Then there was 6

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Sirens blare as the 5 ponies run through the dark streets. "Quick! This way." Zipp says leading them into an alley.

They pause as Hitch hides behind a trash can. "Ok, I think we lost them." A critter squeaks as it hugs his leg. "Yeah, no thanks to you Mr. 'Moustache Disguise will work before I ruin all our covers'!" Athena angrily says giving him a harsh glare. "Excuse me, I didn't ruin anything!" He says as he turns towards her, equally as angry. "I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you 3!" "Yeah, well we were fine before you showed up and said 'Freeze!' Like, were you trying to be obvious?!" "You want to talk about obvious?! How about 2 unicorns and an earth pony just waltzing around without a care!" "We are trying to do something! Until you 'waltzed' in and ruined it!" The two were now face to face, glaring at each other.

"Guys!" Sunny calls out. "What?!" The two say in unison, turning to her with matching glares. She flinches back, and the two see. They sigh and turn away from each other, Athena walking away from him.

The air is tense and quiet before Sunny asks, "Hitch, what are you even doing here?" "Arresting you. And saving you." He kicks the critter off him. "So, you know, a little bit of both, actually. You're welcome."

"Oh, gee, thanks. But we don't need any saving. Ok? Like Athena said, we had it before you blow it for all of us." Zipp says as she approaches the two.

"And you are?" He questions. "Her mom is the Queen!" Izzy excitedly says, also approaching. Athena is standing near a corner, to stay away from Hitch and to keep guard.

"Wait a minute. So that means you're a princess?" "Huh, look at that. Hear it Athena? The sheriff just became a detective." Zipp says sarcastically. Athena scoffs and says, "Yeah, he's been amazing at both so far." "Hey!" He calls out turning his head in her direction.

A TV jingle interrupts before Athena can respond, making everypony look over.

On the big screen Dazzle begins to speak. "Breaking story. Zephyr Heights is in turmoil tonight after the shocking revelation that the royals cannot fly." A picture of Pipp dangling is shown.

"Pipp used to be my favorite." A young filly says as her friend looks disappointed beside her. "If we can't trust our own royalty, who can we trust?" Another pegasus says, as another takes over. "I blame the unicorns and the earth ponies. They ruin everything!"

Sunny stands next to Athena as the two watch and listen, unreadable expressions on their faces.

"This just in." Dazzle reads from a piece of paper. "Queen Haven has been arrested for being a phony pony full of baloney." Zipp gasps.

The queen is being escorted off on the red carpet by thunder and blue one as ponies take pictures. "No comment, and no photos! Ok, one photo." She poses as the guards are visibly like 'what?'

"Anypony care to explain?" Hitch asks as he gets in front of all 4 of them. "We had to get the crystal!" Sunny begins to explain. "Look." She digs in her bag to get it out, before realizing it's not in there. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. It's not here!" "Seriously?" "On the bright side, we had so much fun losing it." "Iz, honey, sweetie pie... HOW IS THAT A BRIGHT SIDE?!" Zipp, Izzy, and Athena voice their thoughts on it.

"We have to go back." "But it could be anywhere!" Sunny and Zipp say before a clatter interrupts, gaining everyone's attention. An ominous light behind them, a shadow begins to approach.

It's a very angry and disheveled Pipp. "Somepony seriously needs to explain why this thing was so important you had to ruin my whole show over it." She pulls out the pegasus gem, and Sunny and Izzy happily perk up. Zipp rushes over to take it as she says, "Trust me, it was." Before she could take it Pipp takes it out of reach.

"You left me hanging there in the spotlight. Now everypony knows we can't fly." She looks down upset, before her phone beeps.

Dazzle is on screen, a picture of the queen holding a mug shot sign in the corner. "A warrant is out for the arrest of the princesses." "Pipp! Zipp!" The queen is enlarged and begins to speak. "Save yourselves." She poses with a side view.

"What?! This isn't happening." Pipp brings the phone closer to her face as she begins to panic. "This is so not happening!" "Pipp!"  Zipp gains her attention. "Forget about all that. We think we can bring back magic, but we need that crystal." "Have you lost your mind?" "Please. This might be our only chance." Pipp thinks about it for a second before she groans and says, "Fine! I know a way out. Come on." Zipp, Sunny, and Izzy immediately follow.

"Seriously? Just like that? Ugh, wait up! Come one Sheriff Moustache, you're in this now." Athena says as she follows the 4. "What?" Hitch is standing there confused. "Wait! You can't just-But I'm a sheriff!" "Now!" He groans and reluctantly follows.

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