Min kärlek - Stina Blackstenius

Start from the beginning

Having Frida around did help a lot, especially in the first few weeks while you were still getting used to the city and the team, your fellow countrywoman being the go between you and your new teammates.

You schedule regular FaceTime's with Stina and are often still at the training ground when she calls, your teammates enjoying winding you up by popping up on camera to say hello to the forward or dancing around in the background if you were walking along a corridor.

You always watch her games, even if it means staying off your phone so you don't ruin the result and you use your calls as a chance to reassure her, telling her how proud you are of her for scoring and that you can't wait to see her at the next camp.

Stina would never tell you this, but in her case absence really has made the heart grow fonder, the Arsenal player beginning to suspect she liked you more than a friend. She sits politely through your teammates antics whenever they start but can't helping feeling a little jealous and wishing she was there to share in your laughter, rather than through a screen.

National team camp can't come quickly enough for the two of you, the forward ambushing you before you're properly through the front door, wrapping her legs around you and causing you stumble a little, dropping your bags so you can hold her up.

"Hej kärlek".

Stina buries her head in your neck and discreetly presses her lips to the skin just below your ear, a blush creeping up onto your cheeks, "alright enough with the PDA, other people would like to say hello" Olivia smirks.

Magda is not far behind, the Chelsea captain apologising for your teammate, "det är okej" you smile, moving over to the desk to see who you're rooming with, "looks like your with me" she smiles, collecting the room key and throwing an arm around your shoulder, not missing the scowl from Stina.


Being back in camp was a chance to catch up with Stina in person and you probably spent more time together than you did with your actual teammates, using every free moment to be close to one another in some way.

Magda was smart and had sussed you out, often excusing herself minutes before the Arsenal forward knocked on the door.

Your teammates teased you endlessly about the time you spent alone but you knew nothing was going on so you just let their gossip wash over you, not wishing to spike their interest anymore. Deep down, you realised your feelings were more than just platonic but you were unsure as to whether Stina felt the same way and you certainly weren't going to humiliate yourself any time soon.

"Y/n, lyssnar du?".

Frida nudges you with her shoulder and brings you back to the present, looking around to see some of your teammates smirking because you just so happened to have zoned out while looking at Stina.

"Ja, förlåt" you smile, throwing away your water bottle and getting back to work.

Nearly all your teammates eyes were trained on you and Stina in the spare seconds between exercises, watching how the two of you interacted, even admiring the way you played together. They catch every moment between you and your teammate, glancing at each other when they see something that they can tease you about in the future, almost combusting with excitement when Stina falls on top of you after a tackle.

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