Start from the beginning

"Hello. Will this be all for you ma'am?" She asked, not taking her focus from her scanning.

Her voice. I'm not sure why, but the accent, along with the sly raspy tone. Seemed to perk my interest. It was cute, and I could tell she wasn't from the south by a long shot.

"Yes. If I were to stay a minute longer, I'd have a full basket." I happily responded, injecting my credit card into the machine.

Her head sprung upward, immediately landing her eyes upon my face. She stared at me for a while, as I entered to needed information into the small touch screen. Perhaps she thought I was attractive? Or maybe, I had a little crust occupying the crevice of my eye?

"Is there something on my face?" I did kind of rush out of bed this morning. I like doing any sort of shopping in the daytime to prevent crowds. Today just so happens to be the eve of a holiday, so I'm not that surprised at the sudden assemblage this morning.

"Oh no. I'm sorry. You just reminded me of an old friend of mine." She debunked, with a half smile. "Here's your receipt, and I hope you have a great day!"

"Hey, Onika. You can go ahead and go on your lunch break once you finish up here." Someone who looked to be her supervisor, informed her as she handed me the receipt. Her fingers gazed at mine unwittingly, provoking her to flench.

"Sorry." We both muttered, simultaneously.


"You have a nice day as well," I stated, grabbing my bag from the side, and power-walking away to the Starbucks line.

I was thoroughly confused, and unsure of what just occurred—and why, although, I didn't tend to distinguish the Onika lady, she was indeed familiar in a sense. I mean yes, she was beautiful, even covered in her work uniform. She had her hair straightened with bangs evenly cut across, sitting right above her eyelids. There was a replica of the Barbie symbol inked in pink on her brown-toned wrist, and she also wore a necklace. Her necklace was gold with possibly her initials engraved on the front. OTM.


Gold necklace, with initials. I mean, it's a very cliche necklace, but the font on it was distinctly different.

"Order for Knowles!" Was shouted, catching me from falling into the hollows of my pondering. Quickly grabbing my iced mocha, I proceeded to my car to head home.

As I turned to put my seat belt on, I quickly sensed a presence walking by. Glancing to my right out the window, It was her again, now covered in a grey essential hoodie. I believe she was leaving for her lunch break. Without thinking I briskly reach over to my tote back, retrieving the phone. I continued to my camera app, zooming in on her face, slyly snapping a few photos for further observation.

Rest assured, I'm not doing this to be creepy, or anything else of the sort. It's just, I can't stop thinking about her, and when we touched briefly, how time seemed to desist.

I flipped through a few of the photos, trying not to dissect them too much. Her face was so uniquely shaped, with a feminine touch. Perhaps, I was in deep thought for nothing. I mean it's not like, the mystery of a woman would date me, or anything.

Yes, I do land on the attractive side of the moon, but I believe it's my personality, and interest that hinders me.

I enjoy shit like, DIY YouTube videos, and a Zumba class here and there, and I'm such a mythology geek, it's somewhat concerning.

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