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Maraj-East Residence
5:38 p.m.

"I want a divorce Dave!"

"A divorce?" He chuckled loudly, as if I had just uttered the most hilarious joke he had ever heard.

"Yes Dave. A divorce. I want out of this marriage. I'm not even the slightest bit happy with you. I stayed with you for the sake of our children but even they can sense mommy isn't happy anymore. You don't do shit but lye around and play 2k all day. Get your bum ass up and fill out a job application!"

My breathing picked up and my body felt a rush of heat. I've been needing to get that heavy burden off my chest for awhile now.

Dave was a large blockage in my life that I needed extinct. He's a dark cloud in my statuary that needed no further access to me.

I needed a change. A change in space, a change in scenery. I could feel my joy being ripped from me every second I turned a blind eye from the man I called my husband. I was no longer radiant, he dimmed my light. The little shine I had left poofed before my eyes.

I have consistently spared my husband but I'm fatigued of being the only breadwinner in this alliance. Dave knows he doesn't have to be a millionaire or some big baller but he could at least strive to bring in some sort of income.

We no longer have a joint bank account anymore because all of the money incoming and outgoing would've been mine anyway.

Every single bill falls on me, like a tone of bricks that I can't avoid. Even down to his phone bill. I feed and clothe our two children myself. I cook, I clean, I fuck him whenever he needs a good nut but what does Onika get in return?

I can't even express to you the last time I had an actual orgasm. At this point, the feeling is completely exotic to me.

"I told you, I don't want to work for the white man and I meant that Nicki. I prefer working for myself and being my own boss. I just wish you'd understand the concept." He responded, towering over me as if his tone is going to bring any sort of dominance to his presence.

I sighed, releasing a shaky breath. I darkened my sight as I bolted my eye lids shut, fighting back the rush of tears that threatened to spew out.

"Dave. You've been 'workin' for yourself'' for seven years now and still have yet to have a penny to show for it. That rehearsed motto is getting quite old, don't you think? Shit, the least your ass could do is go to a damn trade school, process the knowledge and then build from there. You don't even have a skill, my nigga!"

I already know what you're thinking.. Why are you with him? Why put up with him at all? He adds zero value to your life..

I honestly couldn't even concur up a clear explanation. Aside from, Dave being my high school sweetheart.

He's my first love, my first sex encounter, my husband and the father to my children. I frankly never pictured my life without him apart of it.

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