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Knowles Residence
2:25 p.m.

I groaned, steadily rubbing my temples in a circular motion with the tips of my fingers as loud knocks on my front door, echoed throughout my apartment.

"GO AWAY!!" I shouted, sinking my body back against the plush black leather sofa.

The knocks continued, building up the intensity of a possible migraine lodging onto me if I didn't soon put my self out of this current misery.

I huffed, finally coming to the conclusion that I'll go ahead and answer the door. I slid my sock covered feet into my Versace house slippers, peeling myself off the settee. My joints felt stiff and slightly achy from my lack of body movements, within the last couple of days.

Turning the heavy gold locks, I gripped the door handle, jerking the door open. I instantly rolled my eyes, fighting the urge to slam the door in the bitch who stood before me, face.

"The fuck you keep bangin' on my door for Lira?! You asking for a fuckin' death wish." I spat.

Lira was one of my old hoes. Not old as in age but we did have a lot of history together. She was at the top of the food chain when it came down to the rest of the hoes I entertained. The one I would always go back to no matter what. She was loyal to me, even without a title.

I didn't love her, not even in the slightest form. I cared for her though, and that magical pussy she has between them thick thighs of hers. Her throat was quite vicious too, aside from her unwillingness to swallow. Shit use to aggravate me to be honest. Spitting my seeds out as if it wasn't a blessing to have em' gracing her mouth in the first place.

"Giselle babyyy! I miss you! You've been ignoring all of my phone calls and text messages and shit—for a month straight. I ain't had no dick in a whole thirty-one days! A bitch is in a drought for real. Where you been at baby?"

She reached her hands out, tugging at the waistband of my black Nautica briefs, swiftly slipping her hands inside rubbing up and down my length.

"Please G.." She begged with pleading eyes.

I grunted at the contact of her warm hands lightly stroking my shaft. It felt good but it wasn't Onika, which soon brought me out of the short lived trance I was in momentarily.

I gripped ahold of her forearms, pulling her hands from my briefs and lightly pushed her back so that she no longer occupied my personal space. She looked surprised at my sudden actions due to the fact that I've never rejected her unlimited access to my dick.

"No Lira! If I'm simply not answering to you, that should give yo' ass the hint to not contact me no more bitch. And if you ever think to come back to the place I rest my head at again, imma shoot a bullet in your dome and then, Imma slice your titties off with a chainsaw and feed em' to my pit bull."

I slammed the door in her face not waiting for her response. Hoes weird.

I slowly traveled my way back to the comfortable place I was seated in, on my elongated, L-shaped sofa.

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