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Astronomy Class
3:50 pm


"I have to go, Professor Rowland. I need to prepare for my next class."

She smirked, causing me to shyly blush. It was like she telepathically expressed her excitement for me. We've spoken often about my administration for one of my students whom I so happen to have in my next class.

"See you later, girl."

I watched as her hips swayed effortlessly down the hall. That's a fine ass bitch right there. Too bad I already have my eye on someone or I'd definitely be in them guts.

I opened the heavy wooded door, granting entrance to my now empty class room, taking in the dimmed ambiance.

I glanced at the large gold clock reading 3:52, insinuating it was now time for my final class of the day. The moment I've been looking most forward to all day because I got to be in the presence of HER.

Onika Tanya Maraj.

She's the only freshman in my class who actually expresses her deep interest in Astronomy. Most of the scholars who attended my class only participated to rack up the needed credits to graduate next spring. But Onika? She genuinely loved Astronomy. Science in general, to be exact.

My classes usually range from thirty to fifty scholars. However, this particular class would be one of my smaller groups, consisting of no more than twenty people.

My admiration for Onika, specifically, came about the initial moment her bold brown eyes, strongly pierced into my hazel ones—on her very first day.

She appeared to be looking like a lost puppy in a crowd of passing scholars on campus. She had been searching for her Art sculpting class and landed into the wrong building.

I grasped her small hand into mine, as I guided her the entire way to the art district building. She showed me a generous amount of gratitude which is rare coming from a student. It actually made my heart flutter seeing how pleasant and polite she illustrated.

To put it in words, she was a pretty petite, young thing. She wore baby pink framed bifocals which added to her attractiveness. Onika wasn't your average 'nerd' either, not saying they have a certain appearance about them nor am I trying to fit into societies inaccurate standards but Onika just has a natural sex appeal about her that drew me in from the start.

She has a quirky yet shy persona, stuttered quite often but she's exceedingly intelligent. She wore tight fitted clothing that complimented her impeccable little body. And boy did she have a nice physique on her.

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