Venom pauses for thought, then, quietly mumbles, “I am sexy, aren’t I?”

Eddie bites back a grin, feels her heart ache so sweetly at his cute little frown. “Right now, you’re just incredibly adorable.” She chuckles when he huffs. “But yes, you are VERY sexy, V.” She finally tells him, then, lifts her head to press a soft kiss to his lips, and as always, smiles back at him when he blinks and shoots her that toothy grin of his.

“Guys? I... I really need to pee... sorry...”

Eddie grins as Venom lets out a low groan of disdain and rather seriously tells his love, “We may have to find a less annoying host for Toxin.” He grins when she chuckles, shrugs and adds, “I’m sure Toxin would even thank us.”

“Go open the door, you asshole.” Eddie chuckles, shoves him playfully off of her, but quickly leans over to press a kiss to both his inky cheeks when he proceeds to sulk. “I’ll take you out for dinner after they’re gone.”

Venom perks up considerably at this, his hulking mass slowly shrinking back into his usual noodle-head as he gives her proposition some careful thought. He ignores her amusement over his tiny noodle arms, half crossed as one tiny inky digit curls around his chin, instead, cautiously asks her, “And what about this Keith? When do we eat him?”

“Well, that’s what I’m ask Pat about. I wanna see if we can dig up any dirt on him... maybe ask if Pat will be our alibi after we go pay Uncle Pissy-Pants-Pervert a little visit...” Eddie adds that last part with a sheepish and less than hopeful smile as she quickly digs into her dresser for a clean pair of panties.

Venom nods in understanding. “Solid plan, Eddie. Ohh, wear the lacy red ones.”

Eddie chuckles, throws him a half-hearted glare over her shoulder. “Door.”

Venom grumbles, but floats out of their bedroom – of course, not without (rather possessively) closing the door behind him first. ‘Shut up.’ He grumbles when he feels her smirking.

‘I didn’t say a thing.’ Eddie laughs in their mind.

Venom scoffs quietly, mumbles, ‘Didn’t have to.’

‘Stop sulkin’ or I don’t seduce you... knowingly.’ Eddie’s tone is playful, but he knows she totally means her words.

‘Fine.’ Venom all too pleasantly grits out just as he gets to the front door. He opens it and shoots the Detective an annoyed look before gritting out, “What?”

‘V –‘

Venom huffs, brightens his expression and floats aside to let them the Detective in. “Eddie is in the bedroom. The bathroom is free.”

“Thank you!!” Patrick yells over his shoulder, already halfway across their apartment.

“Yeah, whatever.” Venom snips under his breath, all but slams the front door shut with another annoyed huff.

Eddie comes out – and he’s pleased to see she’s dressed in a pair of baggy jogging bottoms and her equally baggy Slipknot t-shirt – smirking at her other half as she saunters over to the kitchen. “You still sulkin’, babe?” She amusedly asks as she quickly ties her hair up into a messy bun on top her head.

Venom floats over to her, smirks as he watches her, for a few moments, as she rummages around the cupboards, cursing quietly under her breath. Finally, he can’t contain the humour in his tone as he tells her, “You are out of alcohol, Eddie. You drank the last bit of port last night.”

“Son of a bitch.” Eddie tuts, quickly snatches up her phone from the charger. “Is 11 a.m. too early to order booze? ...Maybe I should order some food as well, so it doesn’t look... trashy.” She pauses, looks slightly concerned.

Venom chuckles along with Patty as he re-emerges from the bathroom, Toxin floating beside him.

“Why would it ever be too early?” Toxin asks, glances between the three of them as he waits for his answer.

Eddie chuckles. “I’m with you, T. It’s never too early to start drinkin’ in my world, either.” She smirks when her other half rolls his eyes, can see he’s trying not to smile; can feel it.

Patrick laughs, pats the red symbiote on top of his head as he fondly explains, “Most humans can’t consume stuff as heavily as people like Eddie and I. You and Venom gives us a big advantage.”

Eddie nods, with a helpless smile, chimes in with, “Also, I don’t wanna seem like an alcoholic.”

Patrick chuckles at that.

Venom scoffs, smiles sweetly back at his love, but seriously tells her, “Even with me, Eddie, you are one step away from turning into one.”

Eddie scoffs, folds her arms over her chest and arches a brow.

And just by that one look, Venom knows that later on, when they’re both alone and together again, he will be begging her SO much more than he usually does. And his smugness is totally NOT worth it!

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