Venom grumbles, but he thinks about everything she tells him, and knows he understands enough when he tries to think if it was he who was in Patrick’s situation. ‘We could go to one of the balconies later tonight. There’s loads in this place. We could have our dance there, Eddie. I will hear if someone comes before they see me.’

He sounds so optimistic, so hopeful, yet, Eddie still feels the guilt in herself at his words. “I shouldn’t have to keep you hidden, V. Wish you could stand beside me right now...”

Venom feels the misery underneath that glum tone, yet, he is still happy just to be with her, no matter where she goes – learned rather quickly that he didn’t need the stupid wind blowing in his non existent hair, not when he can run himself all over her (inside and outside), pretty much whenever they want. Still, he can never lie to her as he tells her, ‘Maybe won’t have to hide forever... or maybe I will. But doesn’t matter to me, Eddie. As long as we are together, I don’t care about much else. It is enough for me, my love. Promise.’

Eddie sighs, melts, like she always does whenever he’s being more sweet and less sarcastic. “OK.” She nods, smiles as she tells him, “We’ll have that dance... but later, when everybody starts leavin’, and I’m no longer on stupid Maid Of Honour Duty.”

Venom chuckles, taunts her with, ‘I’m telling Annie you called it stupid.’

Eddie scoffs at his smug tone, gulps down the last of her first glass. “Y’know, V, sometimes I don’t believe you love me.”

It’s Venom’s turn to scoff then, sound buzzing through their mind. ‘Can prove it. Can show you again...’ He trails off for a moment, small tendril seeping out of her left thigh and slowly wrapping around it. ‘If you want?’ He adds, practically purrs the words out, is maddeningly gleeful and prideful when her heart skips several times. Though, to her credit, she doesn’t freeze, doesn’t show any signs to the outside world.

Eddie feels the tip of his tendril tugging gently at the elastic waistband of her panties, resists the urge to slap his hand away – when really, all she wants to do is let him slip underneath.

‘Not quite consent enough, Eddie...’ Venom’s words are serious, though, his tone is completely teasing and amused.

Eddie ignores her skin prickling with heat, ignores the throb between her legs, tries to ignore his tendril still playing with the edge of her panties. Instead, she grits her teeth and quietly, but firmly tells him, “No. I’m not into public sex. So stop. Now.”

‘Just semi-public sex, then.’ Venom chuckles, tells her, ‘Can see you trying to hide the thoughts, Eddie. Getting better at hiding it, but still, can see flashes of them now.’ His tendril slips away from her panties, though, not without a quick cheeky squeeze of her left ass cheek, and enjoys her barely audible gasp before he finally seeps back into her skin altogether.

Eddie lets out a small breath of relief, glares when she hears those annoyingly knee weakening laughing rumbles in her mind. “What happened to you bein’ a gentleman, you inky ass little bitch?”

Venom tries not to sound so much like he’s dying – going without touching her for so long – instead, tells her, ‘You make it a challenge, Eddie. Can’t help myself.’ He teases, but he still really means his words.

Eddie scoffs quietly around another few gulps of her second brandy, picks up her third (yet to be guzzled down) when the bar starts to crowd a little more, moves herself over to one of the empty two seater tables.

‘Will bend you over the balcony and fuck you later, Eddie. Am still hungry. That stupid pompous wedding meal was ridiculous. Where was the rest of it? SO pretentious!’

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