“Did you fucking see that shit, Petey Boy?! Holy fuck, that was awesome!”

Peter can’t help staring up into the black sky lit up with flaming pieces of falling symbiote dragon corpse, can’t help chuckling a little at his friend’s excitement.

“Hiya, Spidey. Need a hand, bud?” Johnny darts down to him, flames surrounding him, trails of blazes left behind him as he moves. And he’s still wearing that infamous cocky smirk of his, even at a time like this.

“Torch! Thank God!” Peter exclaims. “Should’ve known you’d still be with us.”

Johnny nods, smirk widening. “These little pussies hate fire, yo... oh... dear God...” He finally catches sight of Eddie, limply slung over his friend’s shoulder. “She still alive?”

“Yeah. But she’s not gonna be for long if I don’t get her outta here. I gotta get her to the FF lab.” Peter tells him as he hops as gently down from the smashed up car as possible, is careful not to jar her broken body.

“Go. I’ll cover you.” Johnny tells him, tone less amused and more serious as he pulls his game face back on.

“Johnny, don’t be stupid. With their stupid god backing them, fire doesn’t kill them anymore.” Peter shoots him a withering look.

Johnny scoffs, floating higher above him and smirking towards the horde closing in on them. “Still stings them like a motherfucker though. That’s good enough for me.”

Peter huffs, knows he won’t change his mind.

Johnny rolls his eyes, sees his friend’s concern. “Look, you’re not gonna be leaving me alone to fight. Rocket, Nat, Tony and Kate are all still kicking it. So don’t do your annoying guilt trip thing on yourself and get gone before Eddie kicks the bucket.”

Peter rolls his eyes, tells him, “You really have a way with words.”

“Yeah, Sue tells me that all the time... and Reed.” Johnny scowls, adds, “Ben, too, actually.”

Peter shakes his head, but somehow, his friend manages to make him pull the faintest of smiles in such a shitty situation.

“Just do me a favour if I die? Tell people I said something cool before I died a hero?” Johnny asks, small grin threatening to sadden.

Peter nods. “You got it.”

“Thanks.” Johnny shoots him a grateful look, grin widening as he slowly floats upwards. “I may be fucked here, but I still got a reputation to hold up. Even from the beyond.”

And then, he’s watching them part ways, watching the Flaming Torch fly bravely (and typically optimistic... carefree) up into the horde, watching through Spider-Man’s eyes as he goes springing back up in between the buildings.

But then, Dylan is being sucked away, pulled from this future, this dream, this nightmare. He feels himself landing back in his own body, feels a familiar touch on his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. He feels groggy, the panic rising in him as the image of his mother all bloodied and broken seems to brand into his mind. He feels his body warm up slightly, and sighs as he tries to let himself get lost in the rather powerful feeling. But whoever is trying to wake him is getting in the way, and well, he really doesn’t like that.


“Wha – oh, shit!” Eddie’s eyes widen as her son’s body begins to glow with a pale blue light seeming to permeate from his skin. And in her stupidity, she gets lost in the beauty of the sight, instead of moving out of the way, like she most definitely should have.

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