The vibrations from outside happen again, and this time, Venom lets out a displeased snarl when Eddie finally notices, quickly tells her, ‘Ignore it.’

“V, mmn, it’s... it’s the – ohh... the ph-phone...”

‘Doesn’t matter. Stay with me, Eddie.’

Eddie couldn’t deny him, even if she miraculously wanted to. Instead, she finds herself nodding frantically as he wriggles harder, licks harder, sucks damn well harder, and Holy Fucking Hell – it’s too damn much and still not enough, all at the same damn time!

‘Come for me, Eddie. Want to feel you all around me...’

Eddie’s eyes roll, more than a few times as she finally falls hard over that edge, falls halfway, only to end up floating in that total bliss again. Venom lets her ride it out, lets her feel just how it makes him feel as she comes all around him and they both quiver wonderfully, together. And again, she should feel weird as he – instead of just sliding out of her – seeps back into her cells from within, but instead, she feels all warm and... fuzzy. His noodle-head – this time, merely bigger than a house cat’s head – slowly seeps out of her belly button, makes her stupidly giggle (she doesn’t remember the last time she giggled... doesn’t even remember giggling as a child.)

She lifts a hand, lazily scratches under his inky chin, and Venom is helpless, can only close his eyes and let out little purrs as he leans into her touch. ‘Good, Eddie?’

Eddie melts when those tiny white orbs spring open, stare down at her with clear nervousness. She chuckles quietly, slides her hand up to stroke the top of his mini noodle-head. “Yes, oh my fuck.” She shakes her head when he shoots her a tiny toothy grin, tells him, “Y’know you don’t have to ask me that every time, right?” She chuckles again when he merely blinks back at her. “Usually, a girl will tell you when you’re doin’ somethin’ wrong, babe. But in our case, that doesn’t even matter.”

Venom looks slightly worried as he says, “Can hide things from me, now, Eddie. Don’t want to risk it.”

Eddie is torn in between gushing over his sweet and caring words, and simply laughing over the fact that his tiny little noodle-head still lets out his usual deep rumbling tone of voice. Like an adorable little demon.

Venom narrows his little eyes at her, which only makes Eddie bite her bottom lip to keep from grinning.

Eddie purses her lips when his little eyes narrow even more. “I’m sorry.” She tries to sound sincere, and at least succeeds in not laughing, where she completely fails at not grinning finally.

“No, you’re not.” Venom grumbles, tone even lower, making Eddie’s grin widen, making him hate himself for wanting to grin with her, because how hasn’t he realised until now that he doesn’t even care when she teases him anymore?

“OK, no, I’m not.” Eddie admits, chuckles when he outright glares at her now. “Oh, come on! With the little fangs, and the shiny little eyes of wonder on that cute little noodle-head, and just... awwh.” She pinches his tiny inky cheek as best she can, and scoffs out a laugh when he sends out a tiny arm to slap her away.

“So mean, Eddie. All I do is love you, and all you do is make fun of me.” Venom says, tries to muster up the best fake upset voice he can.

Eddie laughs. “Please don’t hiss. You’re not helpin’ yourself here.”

“EDDIE, YOU FUCK!” Anne’s angry roar can be heard, even through the walls and doors separating them, even before she bangs loudly on their front door. “YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR! RIGHT NOW! I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT! I’M ALREADY RUNNING LATE! AND IF YOU OR VENOM RUIN THIS FOR ME, I WILL KILL YOU BOTH!

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