“Sam! Peter! Get Kate and Nat and go!” Tony yells, sounds horrified as he then yells, “Holy shit! They got Jen and Bruce!”

“I’m a LITTLE busy here, Stark!” Sam snaps back.

“Absolutely not! Nat furiously yells, followed by Peter and Kate squeaking out in unison, “No way!”

“TWO Symbiote Hulks?! I’m out! Bye!”

“Toad! You get your ass back here! I vouched for you, you little prick!” Storm angrily roars, though, even she sounds strained.

“I know! I’m sorry, Storm, but no!

“You little... FUCK!

Strange, too, sounds strained as he yells out with, “They’ve got Carol, Groot and Gamora, too!”

“They got FatLord, too!”

“Hey! Fuck you, Trash Panda! I’m still here!”

Rocket scoffs. How?

“Fuck! Retreat! God damn it!” Sam finally yells out, and finally, Eddie and Venom can see them all running for their lives as the hive and their now symbiote infested friends rush hungrily after them.

‘V –‘

‘We can still save everybody, Eddie. Promise. Just hold on with me, my love.’

Knull scoffs out a laugh. “How sweet that you really think that. Alas, my child, you and your darling will fall, just like the rest of them. I have met your army, little ones. Enjoy getting to know mine.”

“Eddie, whatever you and Venom are doing, PLEASE hurry up.” Nat tells them, voice as stoic as it usually gets when she’s running on automatic instead.

Eddie still hears the misery underneath, redoubles her efforts to focus with Venom, and not let the fears or the doubts get to her.

“Now, let’s make sure we’re not interrupted any further... This pretty blue sky of yours... no more distractions... no more of your precious sun... no more stars... no more light...”

They see it in their mind – the giant tendrils spiralling from the symbiote god and upwards, blotting out every part of night’s sky – before they hear (what’s left of) their friends’ either surprised or horrified reactions.

“Oh, that’s just fantastic.” Tony sarcastically drawls out, clearly done with it all now.

“Uh, Charles... what just happened?” Storm asks, sounds wary when she receives no answer. “Strange? Jean? Anybody hearing me?”

Again, nothing.

“Stark, Cap, we’re all following you. Just a few clicks behind you.”

Rocket scoffs. “You sound like a douchebag when you talk like that. They’re literally a couple of feet in front of us. We can see ‘em. They’re right there.”

“Oh, go fuck yourself.”

Rocket laughs, though, it sounds bittersweet as he says, “Original. And I don’t think any of us are goin’ anywhere. Look behind us, Cap.”

“Yeah, even I’M gonna say we’re totally fucked now.” Tony says, voice casual, finally defeated as he stares up at the monstrous Celestials now peeking through the tiny slither of sky left.

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