Venom scowls softly. “Not blaming you, Eddie.”

Eddie feels his concern and trembling fear rush through her, takes a deep breath to calm herself.

Dylan takes both her hands in his, gives them a soft squeeze. “I’m not gonna let anything happen to anyone. I was too young to do more than trap him, but I’m not anymore. I’m almost a thousand times stronger than I was back then, and you both know I’m getting stronger every day. I can stop him. For good.”

“No. Absolutely not.” Eddie says, shoots him an incredulous look... she knows she’s a hypocrite!

“No. Because I know where you’re going with this.” Venom shoots his son a withering glare before turning to a confused looking Eddie and explaining to her, because obviously these nightmares have told him that much, and because they never had the guts to tell him themselves, “He knows that the only way for us to take full control of the hive would be for us to sit on Knull’s throne forever.” Venom turns his glare back onto his son, though, still talking to his other half as he says, “He also knows that he’s the only one who wouldn’t need to do that, because he can control the hive from anywhere in the cosmos, at any range, which is what he plans on doing, just so he doesn’t have to miss his mommy and daddy.”

Eddie’s eyes widen at Venom, then narrow into angry slits at Dylan.

Dylan sighs, but doesn’t give up – he’s a lot like his mother in that way, too. “You know I’m right about this...” He tells them both, then shoots his dad a rather annoyed look as he tells him, “And that was so uncalled for. Of course I would miss my parents if they were halfway across the fucking cosmos.” He snips, the anger only half reaching his offended tone.

Venom sighs in defeat, feels utterly guilty when he sees the slightly hurt look on his son’s perfect face. “I’m sorry.” He huffs out, begrudgingly, and only because it means admitting he upset his son.

Dylan nods, accepting his apology, then tells both his parents, “Last time Knull came here, he was just looking to tie up loose ends. But after I turned his whole hive against him? This time, he’s coming for everyone’s bodies. This time... he’s gonna bring his big guns.”

“What? What does that mean?” Eddie looks confused as she glances between both her son and her other half, feels slightly on the edge of panic when she notices Venom’s eyes widen slightly in horror.

“The Celestials bonded to symbiotes. His most powerful weapons. When he didn’t bring them with him the last time, I just assumed they were all dead.” Venom tells her, voice way steadier and calmer than he feels right now. “This is very bad.” He huffs in defeat as he says, “You really may be our only hope, kid.”

Stop encouraging him!” Eddie snips, slaps her other half upside his inky floating head.

Venom hisses, ignores both her glare and Dylan’s half amused smirk. “Shut up and look at them, Eddie! Symbiote infested Celestials! Even more powerful than a regular Celestial! Which are literally already the second most powerful beings ever to exist!”

Eddie glares, opens her mouth to retaliate until his memories of the very things he’s yelling at her about swarm her mind. The horrid images of the “symbiote infested Celestials” appear bright and as if she were truly witnessing their destruction of entire worlds for herself make her mouth clamp shut and her eyes widen in complete horror. “Jesus Christ...” She whispers, falls back into her seat with a loud sigh.

Dylan doesn’t need to see what his father just showed his mother, has already been seeing it all for himself these past few months. Though, he has to admit that finally telling his parents makes him feel a whole lot better, like he’s no longer alone, which he knows is ridiculous, because with clingy – loving – parents like his, he knows he never is.

“Even WE won’t stand a chance against Knull this time, Eddie.” Venom tells her sadly, though, his tone takes on clear pride as he looks at his son, and adds with a grin, “But YOU, Dylan, you have the power of gods at your fingertips, and the most incorruptible soul I have ever known in my very long exist.” He grins back at Eddie, who’s smiling fondly at them both and adds, “You get that from your mother.”

Dylan is definitely one to get an achy heart and throat, and also known to shed a tear or two when things get all corny and mushy. Though, he’s not as socially inept as his big brother, at least, and as always, breaks the conversation with some humour – handed down to him from both his parents, though, again, mainly from his mother... at least on the quick wit parts.

“OK, if you’re gonna ‘do sext times’ – as dad so charmingly likes to call it, you can get out of my room and go back to yours... with all due respect, mom and dad.” Dylan shoots them a sarcastically sweet smile, then shivers in disgust when they both let out equally evil cackles. “Man, am I glad these walls are all sound proof. Really haven’t thanked Stark enough for that one.”

Venom laughs, because sure, he’s teasing them both, but he also really means every single word.

Eddie merely rolls her eyes in response, then is shooting her son a mischievous grin as she asks him, “So, what’re you doing tomorrow? 20 years old, huh? You and Logan must be celebratin’?”

“Do you think they’ve had sex yet, Eddie?” Venom asks, grins gleefully as he pretends their son isn’t even there listening to them with that cute little glare on his perfect face.

Eddie chuckles, keeps her eyes on that pretty glare as she answers her other half, “I dunno, V. Our baby boy seems like the kinda gentleman to wait until marriage.”

Venom scoffs, snootily asks her, “Like you did at 16?”

Eddie scoffs back, shoots him a half-hearted glare. “Hey!” She snips. “We’re teasing him, not me!”

Dylan lets out a loud sigh, simply sinks back into the couch as he then proceeds to listen to them bickering... while he slowly loses the will to live, like he so often does when they get like this. And annoyingly, he wouldn’t have his life any other way.

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