Eddie turns her back on the blonde’s smug look and clearly hinting tone. “And why would he wanna come back to me?”

Venom ignores Anne’s inner protests, spirals his serpent-like form out of her and simply tells his love, “Because I miss you, Eddie. Even if we have only been apart for 19 hours... And I’m sorry for just leaving like that. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just panicked... because I am an idiot... but... you mean more to me than any other host I’ve ever been with... and there have been so many... and you may not know much about my past... but in comparison to all the other hosts, you are the only one who truly knows who I am... because after so very long, I finally know who I am...”

There’s a long silence until Anne can’t take it anymore. She begins to choke up, her tears brimming, one or two, falling, and her words almost getting stuck in her throat as she simply gushes out, “I really thought you were gonna tell her to just get over it or something equally as annoying... that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard, VV.”

Venom grins sheepishly at Annie before glancing warily back over to Eddie, who still has her back turned to them both.

Eddie calmly proceeds to pour out the coffees, adding the sugar and milk before putting everything back in its place. She shuffles over to give Anne her coffee, who takes it, but shoots her a slightly wary look. Eddie finally turns to Venom, stares blankly at him as she asks, “Are you really thinkin’ about goin’ off to fight Knull? ‘Cause if so, there’s no point in –“

Already told him that was a terrible idea.” Anne cuts in, shoots the alien a withering look.

“It was just a suggestion, Eddie! I swear! I was panicking... I...” Venom’s desperate tone soon turns glum (and slightly fearful) as he says, “I don’t want to lose you, Eddie. I don’t want to lose Annie, or Toxin, Sonny or Cher, or even Patty and Dan... But I don’t know if I will be able to best him... I don’t want to fail to protect you...”

“You won’t.” Eddie knows that feeling of confidence in her words are relying on the dreams and nightmares she’s been having lately, but the fact that she feels it must mean something... right?

I protect you, too, right?” Eddie states more than asks, remembers all of their conversations, even without a symbiote’s photographic memory to help her. “And my God, V, you already beat him half to death once already...” She chuckles stares at him in slight awe again. “You beat a fuckin’ a god of darkness half to death. Shit, you beat him so much, he had to erase your memories and toss you halfway across the universe, just ‘cause he was scared of you comin’ back to finish the job.”

“He had it coming...”

Both women laugh at his reply, and Venom can’t help grinning proudly back at them.

“This may be a little off topic, but – how many kids do you actually have already?”

Eddie narrows her eyes suspiciously at her blonde friend, though, has to admit she detects no teasing, only curiosity. For once, Eddie can only scoff in her mind at that thought.

Venom seems ever oblivious either way as he rather enthusiastically tells her, “Uhhhh, let’s see... there’s Scream, who was my favourite, very bitchy – Eddie would have liked her.” He grins cheekily when she shoots him a withering glare. “Riot and Carnage, who we all know and hate.”

“Uh-huh.” Eddie nods, now, slightly curious, too.

Oh, yeah.” Anne nods.

“Lasher, Phage and Agony. They were all very far up Riot’s ass, though, like good idiot little hive soldiers. Never thought for themselves.” Venom rolls his eyes, shakes his head.

“And how’s it been going with the grandkid?” Anne smiles sweetly, clearly teasing this time. Though, she is genuinely interested – and most definitely curious.

Venom ignores her smugness. “It’s been going great! He is awesome!

Eddie can’t help chuckling, can’t help crumbling finally. “Fine. I forgive you, asshole.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. I kinda... panicked, too.” Eddie smiles sheepishly between the two, but mostly at her other half... who she’s so glad didn’t actually leave her. “I, uh... guess I still have some mommy abandonment issues to get over.”

Really?” Anne drawls out, pretends to look surprised.

Eddie merely ignores her. “Anyway... I’m sorry for puttin’ all that shit on you.”

She will tell him later, when they’re alone, about how the nightmares are starting to tangibly effect her. She guesses that’s what she gets for trying to ignore them all.

Venom doesn’t need to be asked twice when she reaches up her free hand to him. He instantly latches onto her wrist, sends a mental thank you and goodbye to Annie before he finds himself home again. His forever home. He feels the thrill running through Eddie, almost grins, but finds himself scowling instead when the thoughts and memories that he missed from last night come quietly trickling back to him, no matter how hard he knows she tries to keep them from him. He says nothing about it, for now, will wait until they’re alone, at least.

“I should’ve been a matchmaker instead of a lawyer. Bet they get a bucket load more money, too.” Anne is smug about her first statement, then, slightly bummed out about the second.

Eddie shoots her a smug smirk of her own. “But you’re so good at makin’ people cry.”

“I hate you.” Anne grits out, only because she knows it’s true.

Eddie chuckles. “Ah, hate you, too, bitch.”

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