‘I’m not jealous...’ Venom grumbles, feels like he has to clarify... even though he knows she’s teasing him... stupid Eddie!

Venom is glaring after her for a moment... until he’s not, because he’s then glaring at Patrick again, because the Detective is staring right at Eddie’s lovely backside. The audacity of the man to have his head tilted to get a better look!

“Enjoy the view while you can, because that is the limit of what you will ever see!” Venom tries to sound less threatening, more promising.

Patrick’s head snaps instantly straight again, eyes wide in mortification at having been caught.

“Yes, Patty, because you were very subtle about it.” Venom snipes snootily out.

He scoffs at his all too loud and chaotically moving thoughts. He’s still also a little jealous of both Toxin and Patrick right now, because HE wants to share with Eddie what looks like a VERY good time...

He’ll just have to slowly persuade her...

Toxin’s littlest noodle-head comes spiralling out of Patrick’s left thigh. He floats rather languidly, more than usual. He stares curiously between Patrick and Venom before just as curiously asking, “Why do you only have to have just one mate? Is sharing... not... a thing?”

“I mean... some people do actually do that kinda thing...” Patrick’s eyes widen as Venom’s narrow back at him. “But that’s NOT what’s goin’ on here, Tox.” He quickly adds, smiles sheepishly at Venom when he only rolls his eyes.

“Eddie is mine, and mine only.” Venom half calmly tells the young symbiote and half pointedly tells the Detective.

“Right. No. Yeah. I mean... yeah. Exactly.” Patrick adds, nods eagerly (in terror) along with Venom. “That’s exactly what I was gonna say next.”

Venom scowls at the man’s jittery form. “Is your eye twitching?”

“Yep. Mmhm.” Patrick nods, smiles pleasantly, clearly too high too care about... well, anything at all, really.

Venom huffs, mostly sounds defeated as he floats over to the kitchen to fetch that brandy. The idiot clearly needs it right now. Stupid Patty... and stupid Eddie, of course!

In her bedroom, Eddie is smirking more smugly to herself, having listened to every word. She also heard most of Venom’s begrudging thoughts (because he’s not exactly “subtle” when he’s more focused on being... well, a prissy little bitch.)

‘That’s it! No sexy time for a whole month!’ Venom snaps at her, glares into the glass as he pours the brandy into it. He then, smugly adds, ‘I am withholding the D from you, Eddie! Anne told me I deserved to be appreciated, and she’s right!’

Finally, she ditches her towel into her laundry hamper. ‘Not jealous, huh, babe?’ She tries to sound casual and serious, but only ends up (by default) sounding teasingly sarcastic instead.

‘I’m NOT jealous!’ Venom huffs to calm himself as he grabs a couple of ice cubes from the freezer.

Eddie scoffs as she pulls on a rare clean pair of panties and bra. ‘As if you would ever last a month without my ass. You’re obsessed with my ass, remember?’ She’s totally very smug as she hauls on a pair of jeans and the least wrinkled t-shirt she can find – ah, her old Black Sabbath one should do it (an old favourite of hers, and V’s.)

‘I absolutely can.’ Venom sounds more determined than he feels, just hopes she doesn’t feel it, too. He floats over to the Detective, hands the gratefully smiling man his drink just as Eddie finally joins them again.

“So, what’s the trouble part in all of this?” Eddie finally asks again, perches on the coffee table, opposite the other alien host.

He’s still clearly off his fucking face here, along with the adorably wobbling floating head of Toxin. However, she hopes to try to get even just a slither of sense out of either of them.

“Hopes” being the key word here...

“Oh, right, yeah, that.” Patrick takes a few gulps of the brandy before all too casually stating, “I thought Magento was the self righteous asshole, turns out, Charles Xavier is even more of a head case. He’s the one who sent the mutants to ‘round me up’ and lock me away for good. Obviously, Tox wasn’t gonna let that happen, and I also didn’t feel like that was a viable option for us, so... yeah... one thing led to another... I guess, technically, they weren’t really evil mutants... per... say...”

He smiles sheepishly, quickly clears his throat when she smirks amusedly at him again.

Meh, he doesn’t even care right now...

At least he and Toxin are safe (for now...) – that’s the only thing he does care about.

He’ll care when he’s in his right mind again...

But until then...

‘Yes, until then. Hush, Pac. Don’t spoil the buzz, my dear bear. Let us just enjoy it while it still lasts.’

Patrick smiles inwardly; smiles at the endearment; smiles because the sweet symbiote only uses the nickname “dear bear” when he wants to calm Patrick; knows that Toxin knows it’s just what his sweet old mother used to do (even up until her last days on her deathbed, it even being the last two words she ever uttered...)

“Mutant leaders aren’t all that different from human leaders.” Patrick then states rather thoughtfully (his and Toxin’s mind both swirling so wonderfully together) as he takes another gulp of the brandy. He now feels a little calmer, feels Toxin is a little calmer, too... which just calms him even more.

Eddie scoffs, is highly amused as she chirps out, “Don’t let Magneto hear you say shit like that. The snotty old male crone – who is surprisingly very camp – is also very adamant that mutants are better than humans... Which, yeah, sure. But only physically. Half of them are OK as genuine beings, and the other half are complete evil dickbags, or just absolutely useless morons... Sounds just like the human race to me.”

The Detective is so blasé about the entire thing, clearly because of his lovely little high... lucky asshole. But at least he’s starting to make a little more sense now, Eddie rather happily thinks.

“How would we know, Eddie?” Venom, however, scoffs out, clearly very unimpressed as he adds, “Literally all of the mutants we’ve ever met are complete evil dickbags AND absolutely useless morons! We LITERALLY had multiple chances to eat brains, get high, eat more brains because of the inevitable munchies, and rid the world of evil assholes, who have NO regard for REAL fashion, all at the same time!”

“V, babe, ONE fuckin’ nut job at a time here, PLEASE!” Eddie snaps back at him, shoots him a very clearly pointed glare.

Venom only huffs his usual petulant huff, glares back at her, but keeps quiet... for now.

“The munchies really are bad, though... You got any chocolate?” Patrick pipes up into the rather frosty silence that follows.

“Oh, Jesus.” Eddie sighs, stares hopelessly up at her ceiling and mutters out, “I’m gonna be playin’ this fun little game of out detecting a high as fuck detective all night long.”

‘Maybe next time, you will listen to me and just not open the front door...’ Comes Venom’s all too smug tone rumbling low in her mind.

Eddie slowly closes her eyes and simply tries not to lose the will to live.

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