Venom huffs again, but nods. “Keep the door closed.” He grumbles before shutting the door behind him, his form seeping through the wood as he floats over to the door.

Eddie can’t help smirking to herself as she dries herself off and wraps the towel around her. She walks out to see Patrick staggering in, half covered in blood as Venom shuts the door and stares curiously at the Detective.

Patrick walks straight up to Eddie, eyes slightly wild with excitement and somehow also slightly fearful. He looks like he’s tripping a little. “I just ate three evil mutants...” He states, open palms held up for emphasis.

“OK...” Eddie stares curiously at him, slowly narrows her eyes at him as he then proceeds to nod back and smile happily back at her. “Are you... high?”

“It’s definitely a possibility, yeah.” Patrick nods. “Tox said the phenethylamine in mutant brains is like eighty percent pure.”

“See, Eddie? That’s how you pronounce it!” Venom tells her, sounds overly exasperated.

Eddie simply rolls her eyes back at him.

“Honestly? I haven’t felt so carefree since I was a damn kid.” Patrick says, clearly very dazed, but obviously very happy to be.

“So, what? Mutants are like meth for symbiotes?” Eddie almost snorts at the actual hilarity of that.

Fuck her life, it really is like a fucking comic book!

“Uh, I’d say, more like a mix of weed and mushrooms... or maybe LSD... trippy, but without all the bad shit...” Patrick chimes in all too casually.

Eddie purses her lips, is both amused and surprised. “Excuse me, Detective –“ She arches a brow, shoots him a pointed look. ”– exactly how do you know what those drugs feel like?”

Patrick leans in close to her, taps a finger to his nose as he whispers, “Why do you think my mother sent me to boardin’ school? I was a little shit of a person until I joined the police academy.”

“OK, but... you said you think you might be in trouble...?” Eddie asks, “Is Toxin OK?”

“He’s fine. He’s trippin’ balls twice as much as me right now. My God, Eddie, I know as a cop that I should be the last person to advocate violence, but... you ever meet an evil mutant, you let Venom eat them. Best thing you’ll ever do, I’m tellin’ you.”

“This is SO unfair! We had the chance to do just that!” Venom snaps, though, he sounds audibly distraught.

Eddie shakes her head, rolls her eyes and lets out a deep sigh. One idiot at a time, she thinks. “Sit down before you fall down.”

“OK!” Patrick chirps, instantly marches over to the couch and takes a seat. “You guys got a beer, or somethin’? Just to take the edge off, y’know?” He adds with a sheepish smile, “Uh, please...?

“Yeah, sure.” Eddie chuckles, nods. “Brandy OK? We’re out of whiskey right now. Anne came over last night and I’m still now only piecin’ together what even happened. The woman is half Irish and half hippie and drinks like a damn sailor.”

Patrick smiles at her adorably scrunched up face of annoyance. “Yeah. Perfect...” He feels his cheeks heating as she smirks rather amusedly at him... also notices Venom’s eyes narrowing in on him. “The brandy, I mean...”

Eddie spares a quick glance at Venom when she feels his clear jealousy through their bond. She smirks to herself as she turns towards her bedroom. “I’m gonna get dressed. V, be a sweetheart and bring our guests their brandy?”

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