Calm, Eddie.” Venom wraps half his serpent form around her shoulders, hugs her tightly, but not too tightly (he doesn’t want to make her feel confined... Knull knows he fucking hates being cooped up!) “You are safe.” He lets out the rumbling sounds he knows comforts her, nudges his head gently against hers.

Eddie sighs quietly, leans her head into his and closes her eyes. “Not me I was worried about.” She mumbles as she fights against the aching of her throat.

“Yes, I know. I saw.” Venom sighs, sounds guilty as he tells her, “Emotion... it isn’t just made up of chemicals, Eddie... until I met you, I didn’t know that. I am sorry that I cannot erase your fears and your bad memories.”

Eddie can’t help smiling. She pulls her head back just enough to look back into those sorry white eyes as she tells him, “While that would be an awesome power for you to have... if everybody went around doing that, nothin’ would ever be real. We would be forever unchanged. We would never grow.” She lifts a hand, gently presses it to the side of his face and is totally serious when she tells him, “And you would still be a spineless asshole.”

Venom pulls away from her hand with a loud scoff. He ignores the devilish little grin she shoots him (the mocking minx!) “And YOU would still be a loser!” He shoots right back.

Eddie scoffs lightly, but is smirking smugly as she simply states, “Pot. Kettle... Bitch.”

Venom snorts, but he has to admit that she totally has him there. He would think of another witty comeback, only half of his mind is still stuck on before. Mainly because he can still feel her doubt... feel her fear. “Riot and Drake are dead, Eddie.”

“You got half blown up along with them, and you still survived –“ Eddie can’t help how panicked she sounds. She really tries not to. Thankfully, Venom is (still with her) here to calm her.

Venom cuts her off before she can work herself up... well, more than that stupid nightmare already has! “That is because our bond saved me, Eddie. You saved me. Without you, I am just as vulnerable as any human. I told you – our bond works for both of us. We are perfect biological harmony.”

Eddie takes a deep breath, but nods in response. “What if it happens again? What if someone manages to separate us?” She’s both wondering and terrified of that notion.

“The world will end before I let that happen. Stop being stupid, Eddie. NOTHING is going to separate us.”

He seems VERY clearly intent on his words, it almost gets Eddie to smile.

“Besides, now we have Toxin to protect us both.” Venom states in a matter of fact and clearly smug tone. He grins gleefully back at his other half (his love) and simply can’t contain the excitement in his tone as he asks her, “Did you see the way he stopped that train from derailing, Eddie?! He saved all of those people! And he wasn’t even straining!”

Eddie leans back slowly inch by inch as he inches himself closer the more excited he gets. “I saw, V.” She nods, purses her lips, though, only half conceals her fond smile.

“It was totally awesome! Toxin is totally awesome!” Venom rages on, claps his inky hands together in utter delight.

He really couldn’t have hoped for a better grand-spawn. And now, he and Eddie have their own family... it’s not conventional, sure. But Venom simply wouldn’t have it any other way.

Eddie chuckles, shoves him out of her personal bubble (which is funny, because she literally actually doesn’t even have one because of him.) He floats easily enough back, still clearly gushing over the (practically) baby symbiote to even scoff at her manhandling him with her “tiny human hands.”

“What about ‘Patty?’” Eddie smirks, shoots the alien a pointed look as she asks, “Doesn’t he deserve, like, half the credit?”

Venom huffs lightly, but ultimately, he’s not that big of an asshole... OK, that’s a big lie, but still... he knows the limits now. “Yes, of course... Patrick is awesome, too.”

Eddie snorts out a laugh. “I can feel the sincerity rollin’ through our bond right now.”

Venom sighs, looks at her like he just doesn’t know what to do with her. Don’t rub it in.”

Eddie chuckles, but holds up her hands in surrender. She grins up at him after a few moments of comfortable silence when suddenly – “I just realised – you never asked for a second date.” She pretends to pout sadly when he shoots her a questioning look. “Guess that means the first date didn’t go so well for you. Bummer.” She sighs, bites back a smile when his eyes then widen.

“No! That’s not – I mean, yes! It did go well for me!” Venom pauses, feels sickeningly anxious as he asks her, “Did it... go well for you, too?”

“Yes, V. That’s why I brought it up, you big dope.” Eddie gives him a soft smile when she feels him instantly relaxing through their bond (the bond that feels like the third skin between her own skin and her second symbiote skin.)

“Oh.” Venom floats down slowly so that they’re eye level again, small grin tugging at his fanged maw. He clears his throat for dramatic emphasis before speaking up again, “Eddie, my lady –“

Eddie can’t help snorting quietly. She holds up both hands in surrender when he narrows those white eyes back at her.

Venom huffs quietly, but makes a point to clear his throat again before carrying on. “Eddie, my lady, will you join me for another dance? ...and maybe some sexy time afterwards?”

“Smooth.” Eddie chirps with a smirk, then, quickly shoots him a withering look. “You turnin’ into a little sex pest now, V?”

Venom scoffs. “How dare you?!”

Eddie rolls her eyes, but is smirking again.

Venom smirks cheekily back at her as he quietly adds, “It never hurts to just ask for the sexy times...”

Eddie smiles mischievously back at him as she tells him, “You promised to court me properly, so now, I’m expectin’ nothin’ less... but if you wanna ‘help’ me shower, like you usually do...”

Venom watches her rise from the bed, his eyes automatically drawn down to her lovely backside in those lovely booty-shorts. She leaves him floating over her bed, and he swears his whole being is electrified in the moment she sends that devilish little smirk of hers back over her shoulder at him.

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