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Will's POV

"What are you doing." I heard El's voice from behind.

I was in the shed strapping a sheet of metal around my chest and back with duck tape over the top of my clothes. El was standing in the door way, looking at me with confusion.

"It's just in case Vecna throws something for me, you know?" I told her.

"Smart." She responded. "Do you think there's any left for me?" She asked.

I looked around my surrounding in the shed, scanning for any extra sheets of metal.

"I must've taken the only ones." I responded. "I can take one off for you, if you want." I suggested to her.

El shook her head in response. "I should be fine. You need it more."

"Alrighty. If you think so." I turned to reach for a red jacket that I had put aside for after.

It was a bit large for myself but it was quite thick and zipped up over the metal sheets.

"Where'd you get the jacket from? I've never seen it before." El asked me from the doorway.

"You mean, 'if you would have seen it before, you would've stolen it for yourself'?" I chuckled half expecting for her to do the same even if it was a dumb joke.

"Where?" She asked me once more.

"..It was my father's. I found it in all of Jonathan's stuff. I haven't seen him wear it before but it's clearly been used before. It was the only jacket I could find that would fit." I explained to her.

"Oh." She responded.

There was a moment of silence before I decided to break it by talking once more. "Do you have everything you need?".

"I don't think I'll be needing anything." She replied.

"You sure?"

"I have powers, remember?" She smirked at me.

"Right. What about protection though?" I said even though I obviously remembered that.

"I'll be fine, I promise." She smiled at me.

I only stared at her in return, unsure of the choice she had made but instead decided to just let it go. I was sure she knew what she was doing.

As El stood in the doorway, I began to scourge through all the junk that was within the shed in search of my desired weapon: the shotgun. Once I discovered that I couldn't find it within a short amount of time, I called over El to help search for it. It took a while but we eventually had found it piled under a load of random stuff upon a workshop table.

"Thanks, El." I told her as I slung it over my shoulder.

The two of us didn't hesitate to head off as soon as possible. We wanted to catch Vecna before he could catch us. So, off we headed towards Victor Creel's house.

Mike's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room along with the lot of people that had been at the Byers house.
Lucas was still in the hospital room with Max, talking to her or something. I wasn't quite sure. The seat I was sitting on had been occupied by my butt for 45 minutes now and I was starting to think that by the time Lucas had started to wrap things up, the nurses would decide that Max's visiting time would be over and we'd have to wait extra hours before we could see her again.

I heaved a heavy sigh as I arched over to rest my chin in the palm of my hand, becoming more impatient by the second.

I felt a hand on my back. It was Dustin.

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