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Will POV


The deep shuddering voice filled my ears from every direction. My legs shook vigorously from fear.

"Will." The voice spoke again.

"Go away," I gritted my teeth, trying not the make the fear from the tone of my voice obvious.

There was a moment of silence. I stood in the middle of the bathroom, continuing to shake from fear. It was as though I had really got him to leave.
I thought too soon. I whip of air brushed past the back of my head and I quickly turned around to see the tall frame of Vecna.

"Oh, Will." He said in a gentle yet frightening voice.

"What do you want?" I glared at him.

"An answer." He responded. "Tell me, Will... What is it that makes you so.. worried. Sad. Anxious.".

"I'm none of those things!" I yelled back at him.

Vecna only stared back at me, knowing that I was lying. Words couldn't change what you were really feeling.
He reached out his hand towards me but I dashed for the door and swung it open making it hit the wall, possibly dinting it.

"Mom!" I cried out.

"Mom?!" I yelled out once again.

She had already left the house. Jonathan wasn't home as well. I didn't know what to do after that. I could've ran for the front door but I was instead frozen to the spot in fear as I heard the heavy steps of Vecna.

"We are the same you know.." He was standing close to my face. So close it was almost as though his fleshy cold skin was just touching the tip of my skin. I shuddered.

"I'm nothing like you." I responded.

I cringed as Vecna placed his hand upon my head. "Think about it Will." He squeezed my head.

"Don't you want revenge?" He asked me.

"Why would I want reven-".

He had me by the throat. He was forcingly making me look him into his cold ice blue eyes as he started to choke me.

"They don't care for you Will. They leave you behind. In the shadows where nobody sees you. They pick on you. For being you. What. Else. Is there." His gaze hardened with anger.

"Even so." I managed to choke out. "I'd never be like you.".

Vecna stared at me, only making his grip around my neck harder until I swore I was almost dead.

"Join me." He said.

"N-nev-er" I spat.

He released his grip on my neck. I dropped to the ground, landing on my hands and knees. I had a large coughing fit. I felt for the mark that was left where my neck connected to my jaw.

I looked up. I couldn't see Vecna anywhere. He was gone. He can't of given up just like that though.


Vecna was nowhere yet I could still hear him somehow.

"Where are you!" I shouted; turning around, expecting to see him wherever behind me was.

"With you."


"I caught you,Will. I'm with you now. And I'm not leaving anytime soon..".

My eyes opened wide and I found myself back in the bathroom. My legs gave way under me and I slipped onto the hard ground with a thud.
The world around me spun with confusion. My vision was blurry and my hands shook so hard they probably looked like they were bouncing off the ground.

I realised suddenly. Was he really 'with me'. I hadn't felt any different from this morning. I still felt tired and sick.
Maybe I fell asleep in the bathroom. Maybe it was all a dream. I told myself. I was quite certain of it as well.
If Vecna had really taken me; wouldn't I be acting strange?

I reached my hand out to grab onto the edge of the sink and lifted myself up from the ground, using the sink as support.

I was still at bit wobbly from drowsiness but I stood up well.

I left the bathroom and took a look around the house. Mom and Jonathan had left though.

I looked through the cooler and found a box of 'eggos' in it.

I opened the box and slipped the waffle into the toaster.


I whipped my head around to the sound of my voice. Nobody was there.

It's just in my head.

I'm probably still a bit dazed from the dream.

I turned my head to take a look around the room just to be sure and grabbed the waffle that had popped out of the toaster.

I took a large bite from it, and headed for my room. It was cold in my room. The window was slightly open.

I walked over to it to shut it, but it wouldn't budge. It was jammed.
I grunted loudly. I'll have to get Jonathan to fix that.

I slumped against the wall that my sleeping bag was laid beside. The books sat next to it neatly while the Cluedo game I had been playing on Tuesday still sat with most of the pieces sitting out around it.
Mike lied that day. I reminded myself with my knuckles clenched. I didn't even get to find out what The Hellfire Club was.

I walked up towards the game to pack it up neatly into its sections in the box. I made sure every piece was there before I stood up and stepped to face the closet.

I opened it but instead of placing it neatly to go with the neat packing up; I threw it against the side wall of the closet.
Mike lied.
I felt a sudden wave of fury boil up my blood, which made my whole face feel like it was burning up.

Control your anger, William! A different part of me told myself. It wasn't as loud as the other voice but I listened to this one knowing that it was the side to take.

My fist loosened itself until it was just a hand relaxed beside my hip. I took a deep breath. It was something I had been taught to do when stressed (or any strong emotion), while visiting Hawkins Lab for my check ups.

Focus on the five senses. Hear, smell, feel, see, taste.
" I can hear the wind and trees outside the window." I whispered to myself.
"I can smell the dirt as well".
"I can feel the fabric from my socks on my feet".
"I can see the landscape outside the window".
"I can taste what is left of the Eggo in my mouth".
I spoke it all quietly, continuing to find different things to add to the list of scenes. It helped me relax for the most part of the day.

For the rest of the day I watched movies, slept and ate, all until Jonathan and Mom came home with more food and two bits of new furniture: a proper dinning table and a bed for Mom.

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