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Mike POV

I was starting to freak out. Will had been about to tell me something when he cut himself off completely and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"Holy shit!" I yelled out as I suddenly realised what was happening.

He was being vecna'd.

I immediately stood up away from the bed where Will sat. My knees were shaking intensely from stress and I quickly started looking around for something useful.

Music! That's right: music! I suddenly realised.

But what's his favourite song...

I couldn't remember. Wow: what a friend!

Now I was really starting to freak out. I started to push away furniture and dirty clothes to try and look for a cassette player, a Walkman in particular.

I was so very sure I had one. I remembered faintly of unwrapping one that had been rapped in Christmas themed paper.
I rummaged through the mess around my room faster.

I should really start cleaning my room. This would be a lot easier if  everything in existence wasn't piled up together.

I finally found my Walkman but now I needed the cassette tape for it.

Shit, shit, shit.

I looked through the same place I had found the Walkman.
I seeked and found a cassette tape.

I clicked the tape into place, inside the Walkman,  but when I turned around: Will was already beginning to lift.

Will POV

Vecna stood in front of me. I stood in front of Vecna.

"Will.." he began in his deep chilling voice.

I immediately covered my ears and shook my a vigorously at him.

"No!" I shouted. "I will not listen to you!".

"Poor, poor Will" Vecna continued to speak to me. He had his large clawed hand on my shoulder as he spoke.

"So alone... so scared that your best friend won't except you."

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying my best to ignore everything he said to me.

"Go away!" I yelled at him again.

He didn't stop though.

"What hurts more, Will? Tell me.." the last part was deep and unpleasant.

Tears started to form in the corners of my eyes and I fell onto my knees.

"Leave me alone!"

"Your friends don't care for you anymore." He told me. "They wouldn't care if you died".

What he spoke to me reminded me of what I had thought to myself many times before.
He was speaking what I felt and feared the most.

"Will..." he looked down at me as tears streamed down my face. "It's time."

I looked back at him. "No." I cried out. "I'm not ready to die yet. There's so much I still want to do!".

"But don't you want to just die sometimes. So people wouldn't have to deal with you an your problems?".

I gripped onto the back of my head as I screamed out for help. My face was red from crying. I could feel it.

Vecna continued to speak my darkest thoughts that had trailed into my mind many times before; just this time he spoke them as though it was him who had thought of it all, in an a lot more convincing way as well.

Mike's POV

I swiped off everything on top of my bedside table before I shoved it against my bed. It was higher, slightly but still didn't reach Will so that I could put the headphones over his ears.

I started to stack thick, hard cover books on top of each other, on top of my bedside table until it was high enough.

I balanced on one foot as I placed the headphones over Will's head and pressed play so that the music would begin.

The first song, as usual, was the song that was familiar to me: Should I Stay Or Should I Go.

I could hear the faint tune of the song as it played into Will's ears.

My hands were gripped together in hope as I watched hopeful for Will to drop back onto the ground.

"C'mon, Will! You can do this!" I shouted out encouragements. "I need you, Will. Here, with me! Alive." I knew he probably couldn't here me, but I really hoped he could.

Tears rolled down my face at the thought of loosing Will.
I tried to do anything that would help.
I even tried to pull him back down by the leg. It was all up to the Walkman though, now.

Will's POV

I looked up and behind Vecna to see the blurry glimpse of a hole forming in the 'wall' of the horrified version of the centre of town.
Hope flickered through my body.

Vecna noticed my stare at the hole.

"Don't fall for it, Will. It's all fake!".

I ignored him completely and started to move towards the 'hole of hope' but instantly tripped over my own feet.

I tried to get up but Vecna held me down with the strong grip of the vines.

I tried everything I could to get away.

Vecna kneeled beside me. "Stay with me. It could be a lot easier. Even after everything they've done to you: would you chose them over an easy death?".

I took the opportunity, without answering his dumb question, to kick him in the jaw.

It caused the vines to slither away.

I stood up as fast as my legs could get me to and began to run for the possibility of the real world ahead of me.

Vecna followed close behind. "You're not getting away, Byers!" He shouted at me as he wordlessly commanded big, large objects to drop down on me.

I ran though.

I didn't stop or let myself be stopped, once.

I only ran for the possibility of seeing Mike there, in his room, being there for when I came back to reality.

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