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Will's POV

I stayed in my room for a majority of the weekend. It was calmer and quieter in there.
I did go out occasionally though but only to go to the bathroom and to grab something to eat from the fridge.
Back in my room: I slept, ate the food, read the books and listened to music from my mix tape that Jonathan had gifted to me back before I had gone missing in the upside-down.
It had a lot of my favourite songs on it and whenever I could, I would listen to it.

A gentle couple of taps on my door made me look up from my book. I was sitting cross legged on the ground with the large book in my lap.

"Will. One of your friends are over!" My Mom called over to me through the door.

"Don't tell me it's Mike." I groaned.

"It's El." Mom responded, opening the door for El to enter through.
She kneeled in front of me with her hands on her knees, whilst her short curly hair bounced around her head due to the effect she made from sitting.

El had moved back into Hopper's cabin when my Mom had decided for us to return to Hawkins.
Jim Hopper had taken her back in to live with him again, together. It had taken quite a while for Hopper to finally allow El to go around town by herself. He still was quite strict about it though.

This was the first time I had seen her since moving back into the house.

"Hey, Will." She smiled at me. "Doing well?".

I hesitated from giving an answer, but El had done nothing to deserve to be ignored.
She was practically a sister to me since I had gotten so use to living with her in California.

"Fine." I gave the simple response.

"You don't look very well." She leaned forward to place her hand under my scruffy bowl cut to reach my forehead.
I flinched away from her hand though as soon as it touched my skin. It was very warm compared to the skin on my hands.

"Sorry." I murmured.

"It's alright." El leaned back into her original position. She was glancing at me concerned.

"Y-you.. haven't felt him have you?" She asked me suddenly.

I looked down at my fidgeting fingers that were curling around each other.
I knew what my answer was. I had felt him in my dream. I wasn't too sure if it counted though.
The dream had felt real though, I reminded myself.


I whipped my head upwards, expecting to see whoever had said it, in front of me.
Nobody but El was there though.

She was looking at me though. Waiting for an answer from me.

"Say no, Will."

The goosebumps started to form on the back of my neck once more but I instead ignored them, keeping my hands firmly holding the book that was in them.

"No," I told El.

El didn't completely believe me though. "Will. If he is around: you can tell me. I can fix this." She said comfortingly.

"I know." I responded.

She suddenly grabbed me by the wrist (gently) and pulled me upwards to stand along with her.

"You need some fresh air. It will make you feel better." She informed me while leading me to head outside.

We passed the fully furnished kitchen and lounge and towards the front door.
She walked me along our front porch and pulled my bike out from behind our porch chairs to show to me.

"You remember to ride still, right?".

I nodded as she roll-passed me my bike.
I held my bike by the handles as I pushed it onto the road.

I patted the room on the seat I had left for her to sit on after I had hopped onto the bike.

She smiled with joy as she sat onto the bike after me. She rested her feet onto the 'chain stay' as I pedalled off onto the road.
Her weight pulled me down a bit, making the ride a bit slow, but we still zoomed down the sloped road. And the wind still blowed into our faces as we rode on the flatter ground.

El gripped onto my shoulders tightly as I pedalled faster towards town.

This was the brother sister moments I missed in California.
I didn't think I would miss California though after only a year.

I parked the bike outside the grocery store we had been shopping at here in Hawkins. There were two cars outside the building which only made the town look like the almost abandoned town it was.

I walked into the store with El and we started going through the low stocked food that was left on the shelves.

I picked out a few Milky-way bars and a packet of M&Ms. El had (no surprise) gotten some Eggos from the refrigerator.

We suppressed small giggles as we managed to sneak out of the store without paying, unnoticed.
The employee numbers were low which was what made it so easy to sneak out without being caught.
I felt bad though. I wasn't helping out a dying company that probably would've needed the money.

We laughed together as we strolled my bike to find an open place to sit and eat our food.

We found a large place (a bit out of town) that was surrounded by tall but skinny trees and crunchy dead grass.

I was feeling better already. El was right when she had told me that fresh air would make me feel unsick.

El and I were chatting non stop about small stuff while we feasted on our food.
I wasn't a big fan of eggos, but El gave me one of her frozen Eggos when I had finished all my chocolate.

Our conversations were small and probably would be all completely forgotten by the time tomorrow came around, but I enjoyed to moment, forgetting about the troubles that had traumatised my life.
El told me though, about how she had broken up with Mike when she had found out how badly he had lied to the party.
She said that she would feel ashamed to be dating somebody that hurt his child hood friend who was also technically her brother.

El was somebody I could be comfortable with (as a sister of course). I could tell her anything that was on my mind. She was my new Mike. But better.

That was when I heard the too familiar annoying voice of the Mike that had broken my heart so badly to the point when I thought it was truly unfixable (apart from temporarily).

"Will.." he began as he swerved around the trees to reach us. El wasn't looking at him with her intensely angry stare that he completely ignored just to look at me.

He was standing in front of me. "Will, I need to tell you something!".

"That your sorry?" I stood up as well to face him. "I know! You've told me! I haven't forgiven you though." I reminded him.

"I haven't forgotten, but-".

I punched him hard in the nose. I could feel something snap under my clenched hands.

Mike tripped backwards in total shock and landed on a tree trunk to stop his fall.
Blood was spilling from out and around his nose.

He cupped his hand around his nose making blood pour into them.

I was in shock as well. So was Eleven. She was standing beside me now.

Mike starred at his hands then back at me. His eyes were wide and watery from pain and shock.
He was speechless.
The pain suddenly hit him like a truck though.

He started to crouch beside the tree trunk and squeezed his eyes shut to try and stop himself from expressing the pain the injury had formed.

"You broke my nose!" He shouted at me.

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