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Mike's POV

I was standing outside of the cabin El lived in. I had just knocked on the door and was now awaiting for somebody to answer it.

Soon enough: El answered. She was completely relaxed about seeing me in the complete opposite mood, in front of her.

"Hi, Mike" she said.

"Don't 'Hi, Mike!" Me! Where's my stuff?!" I shouted at her, as I waved my pointer finger at her face.

"What stuff?" She was leaning on the door frame acting entirely innocent.

"You know god damn well what stuff I'm talking about!" I continued to yell.

Hopper came to the door seconds later after that, with a pissed look on his face.

I stood stiff suddenly as he appeared. I wasn't a fan of the former chief of police.

"What you goin' off about, Wheeler." He said in his deep voice.

"S-she," I began stuttering. I shouldn't of been so nervous around him, but I was "I mean, uhm, El: has s-something of mine. I'm just, er, asking for it back."

Hopper grunted at me then looked down at El. "Do you have it?" He asked her.

"I don't even know what he's talking about" she shrugged to him.

Stop acting so bloody innocent! You could've just handed it over easy peasy but you just have to make it harder for me, don't you? I didn't speak it aloud but I instead thought it.

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"She doesn't have it." Hopper told me. "Now leave."

He left my view and El gave me a smirk of mischievousness before she shut the door in front of myself.

"Fine. If that's the way you want it!" I muttered to myself.

I stepped away from the door and slowly made my way to the window outside of El's bedroom.
I crouched beside it and took a peek.

Nobody was in there so I carefully opened up the window and stepped inside whilst being careful not to make too much noise.

I began to search every possible hiding spot for my items that she had stolen from my room.
I know you've hidden them somewhere, I thought to myself.

It must've been six minutes since the beginning of my search when I heard somebody walking towards the door.

I practically leapt out of the window once more, and shut the window behind me before I flopped onto the hard ground below me, panting from my quick and swift movements from escaping.

I could hear El entering her room.

"I'll be back before dinner!" I heard the slightly distanced sound of El's voice before she shut the door once more.

Maybe she's going to the place she hid them! I quickly jumped to the conclusion.

I was quick enough to slip back around to the front of the house just in time to see a glimpse of El walking past the trees in the direction of the Byers house.

Why is she going that way?

El hadn't noticed me following her by the time we reached Will's house. She was completely clueless of my presence.

I watched from a distance as she was aloud into the house by Joyce Byers.

So El is aloud in but not me?!

I waited for a bit, just in case maybe El would leave the house as though she was just there to drop something off, but my patience wore of quickly and I was soon making my way around Will's house and towards his bedroom window.

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