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Mike's POV

"C'mon, Will! You can do this!" I cried out as I stood below him.

"What is happening!?".

I turned to see El standing in the doorway of my room. She stared in horror up at the floating figure of Will.

"Vecna has him" I told her through sniffles.

Eleven rushed over into my room to stand beside me. "Are you playing music for him?".


"What song?"

"Should I stay or should I go."

"Is it his favourite song?"

"I'm sure. I remember him playing it all the time."

"It's clearly not working!"

"It takes time, El!"

"How long have you been waiting?"

"Not enough time for the song to end yet."

Just in that moment did Will fall from his position in midair to the fabric lain over my bed.

I quickly rushed over to him. I rapped my arms around him as he shook from fright. Under his eyes were puffy and bright red with dried blood that had streamed out from his eyes. He was breathing frequently with the upsetting sound of him snuffling in between.

"It's okay. Ive got you, Will. Your safe." I reassured him.

"M-Mike" he shuddered as he gripped his hands around my neck.

Will bursted out into tears. He cried in my arms. "He got me, Mike!".

Butterflies swarmed inside my belly at the feeling over Will rapped around me. I placed my hand upon his head and held him close.
Tears were still making their way over my cheeks.

El dived in to get a hug a swell. "Thank the lord your safe!" She sighed as one of her arms plastered them self against my back.

We all kneeled around each other. The Walkman headphones were still over Will's ears as he cried into El and I's arm. He was scared. He's been through stuff like this before, but he was still scared.
And I wasn't going to lie when I say that I am and was scared too. My best friend was being Vecna'd. I could've lost him.

Will pulled away a few minutes later. He wiped  at an eye to flick away a tear but also smudged the blood that was there as well.
He formed a small smile but it faded practically immediately.
"So.. who put the headphones on me?" He smirked again.

"Oh, uhm. That was me." I managed to create a small grin. "El came in a bit later and told me I was playing the wrong song.

Will chuckled a bit and El gave me a sarcastic annoyed look.

"Wow." Will began, with a small tear forming again.  He looked to the blanket on my bed as he spoke. "I really thought I died there." He looked down at the ground now.

"I did, as well." I told him.

Will looked up at me.


"Yeah, Will?"

"I love you.."

My heart thudded against my chest. My breath was caught in my throat.


Will turned away from me and started whipping at his eyes; finishing the job he had started before.

El looked from me, to Will. She landed her gaze on me.

She flapped her hands in the direction of Will to try and encourage me to speak to him.

I looked back over to Will.


He ignored me.

I looked back to El. I started to nod her off, out of my room.
She left, quick to understand what I was signalling.

"Will." I tried again.

"Look, Mike." Will turned to face me. "It's okay if after I said that, you don't want to be friends with me anymore. The only reason I told you that was because I had been weighing myself down with it for a long time. I needed to tell you it wether you would accept me for it or not. I just needed to tell you. Feel free to kick me out thou-".

"I love you too, Will!" I cut him off with a shout.

Will stared back at me in disbelief. His eyes were wide from shock from my burst of loudness along with me telling him my same feelings for him.

"Y-you.." he stuttered.

"Will. I love you too. I didn't realise till recently how badly I wanted you to be around. At first I thought I wanted you around as a friend though!" I quickly explained to him. "But I was wrong, Will. I wanted you around because I loved you!".

Will continued to stare at me. He wasn't believing what I was saying.

There's only one way to prove it to him now..

A leaned over to Will and pushed my lips up against his. They immediately touched and the needing I longed for him to be close to me became a reality.

Will went with what I was doing. He relaxed as the kiss lasted longer and he leaned in closer towards me.

El's POV

I put my ear up to the door. It had gone silent and I couldn't hear if they were saying anything to each other anymore.

I put my head up against the door closer and closer until the door swung wide open and I fell into Mike's room. I hit the carpet with a thud.

I quickly stood up from the ground and looked to Mike and Will who were extremely close to each other but stiff from my sudden entering.

"Oh my God! El!" Mike yelled at me. "Were  you eavesdropping?!".

"W-well. I wouldn't say eavesdropping" I gave them a playfully grin. "More like... listening in to your conversation!".

"That's the same thing!".

I scratched the back of my head and gave them an innocent smile. "Well, I better get moving. 'Ya know. Back to my cabin... I wasn't meant to be here in the first place, any way.".

"Yeah." Mike glared at me whilst Will sat in front of him as though none of this was happening. He was red from embarrassment though.

I quickly shut the door behind me and stood there for a while before I burst out into laughter. I had caught them kissing!

🚲Behind That Fake Smile💔ZodiacTheSpringer Where stories live. Discover now