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Mike's POV

It had been four days and I was finally out of the hospital and I still had no idea why I had been in a coma in the first place!
Everybody acted like I already knew of whatever had happened.
But something was off about Will. I knew he knew I didn't remember. It began to make me wonder that maybe he had part in this.

The same day I had come home, I had gone down to the basement of my house.
I dialed in the Byers house number into the phone and put it to my ear the moment it started to ring.

At first there was no answer. Just the silent tone of a phone.
Just about the time the phone would hang up by itself; somebody answered.

"Hello?" Came the voice from the other end of the phone.

"Hey! It's me! Mike!".

"Your back from the hospital?"

"Who is this?" I asked them without answering their question.


"Yeah! I'm back!".

"That's great."

"You don't sound too hyped about it." I mocked.

"Sorry. I'm just... tired."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Am I calling a bit too late?"

"No no! It's fine!"

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"Want to come over?"

"This late?"

"It's okay if you don't want to."

"It's alright. I should be able to come over."

"Great. See you soon!"

I hung up the phone, clicking it back into place on the wall.
It was 4:47. He would roughly get here at 5:00 if not: later.

He got here close to my predicted time. Only six minutes later than five o'clock. I of course didn't point it out though. It wasn't like there was a certain time he had to arrive at.

I led him up to my room where we sat on my bed together.

"Why'd you call me over?" Will asked me as he fidgeted with his thumbs, nervously.

"I've got a question.."

Will's POV

I knew the question before it had even left his mouth. I waited for him to ask the question first, though.

"Do you know why I went into a coma?".

There it was.

I was prepared to lie to him with the same story that Joyce, Hopper, El and I had given Karen. And looking into Mike's soft gentle gaze he was giving me almost made me did. I didn't want to give up the way he looked at me: risking our friendship. But I told him the truth anyway.


He waited for my answer.

"You've probably noticed how I've been acting differently lately.."

"No shit." He interrupted me. "Will Byers would never break somebody's nose!".

The small smile of humour only lasted a second before I focused back onto the story.

"I think I'm being controlled by Vecna."

"What?!" Mike sounded astonished. "I thought he was gone. There had been no sign of him since he opened the gate! "

"Clearly not. He's been onto me since I've moved back here." I explained. "He's been making me do things I would never usually do: like punching you in the nose!".

"Is he still controlling you?" Mike asked.

"I'm not sure! I've been focusing on staying calm and shit like that and he's stayed away. But you can never be certain.."

"Wait." Mike paused for a moment. "What does this have to do with my coma?".

I looked over at Mike. I'd gone to far into the story to turn back now.

I gripped onto the end of my sleeve and bit onto my bottom lip whilst I looked down at my feet that had been crossed into a cross legged position.

"I.." I drifted of slightly, trying to find the right way to say it. "I smashed a rock into your head.".

Mike was speechless. He looked at me in disbelief and then frightened.
He felt for the small scar that had been healing on the side of his forehead.


"Look, Mike" I cut him off. "I'm sorry and I understand if you wouldn't want to hang around me anymore.."

"What?! Never!" Mike yelled at me, gripping onto my wrist that had been raised into the air when I was explaining what had happened.

My skin was hot and I could feel my cheeks burning up.

Shit! Stop blushing Will!!

I gulped down what had felt like a stone in my throat and pulled my wrist away from his grip.

"R- really?".

"No matter what! I will always be your best friend!".

Best friend.

It hurt even though it shouldn't have. He was trying to make me feel better when it only made me feel almost worse then I was already.

"Mike. There's something else I need to tell you."

Mike leaned in, curious for what I had to say.

"Even after what you said. I'm still hoping you'll understand what I'm about to say."

What am I doing?! Why are you doing this now??

There's no turning back now, I guess.

"You can tell me anything, Will."



"I'm gay." I told him fast and simple.

I looked away from his face immediately, fearing the fact that he would stare at me disgusted. I was probably as red as a tomato at this point.

"That's cool."

I looked back at him. He was smiling at me.

"I feel so honoured that you told me first!" He continued.

"Actually. I told El first."


"Is that okay?" I asked him a bit uncertain.

"Um. Yeah it's fine. I've just got one last question for you."

I expected to be prepared for what he'd ask me next.

Not even close.

"Who is it?"


"There must be somebody, right? A guy that you like?".

My breath was stuck in my throat. I didn't know how to tell him it was him who I liked. But I couldn't just let him sit there without an answer.

I dived for Mike's lips without even a split second to think about what I was doing.
I touched mine against his but his didn't react back to mine in any way.
His lips stayed planted the way they were. Not exactly hesitating from the touch of my lips but not exactly allowing it to happen.

God damn it Will! You've just ruined it for yourself. There's no way you'll get Mike now!

But just as I was going to pull away, ready to run home: Mike pulled me back in, gripping onto my waist and holding me close.
His lips were warm and sweet and I didn't want to pull away any time soon.

Mike ended up doing so though. He looked at me with gentle, relaxed but a serious gaze.
He smirked at me.

That's when I knew something was off. This didn't seem like something Mike would do.

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