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Mike's POV

It was Friday. And Will hadn't come to school since Wednesday.
I had visited his house on Thursday to see how he was but nobody had answered the door.
I was going back again this afternoon. I was pedalling on my bike down the leaf covered road.
There were barely any leaves left in the trees; they where gathered in large groups around the tree trunks, covered in mud.
The road was slippery and I had to dodge around the big puddles to avoid slipping and crashing.

My bag was still over my shoulder, weighing it down so I was on a slight lean.

I pedalled harder as the road started to rise higher.
The cold air pasted my ears and poured its way into my eyes, making them water.

Will's house became visible between the bare trees that surrounded it.
I could also see Joyce's car parked on the driveway with the back-seat door open.

Jonathan and Joyce were tugging something out from the back. A hand trolley was parked by the door as well.

I swerved my bike around the car and skidded to a stop on the gravel. I put my foot on the ground so I could balance myself while I still sat on the bike.

"Hey, Ms Byers!" I greeted her. "And Jonathan." I added.

"We are a bit bust right now, Mike. Will is inside if your looking for him." Joyce told me.


"Take it easy on him!" Jonathan shouted at me as I placed my hand on the knob. "He's a bit slow this morning!".

"I will!" I shouted the response.

I opened the door and shut it behind me quietly. I wasn't sure wether Will was asleep or not but incase he was: I stepped lightly around the house before I stopped at his door.

I knocked on the door and awaited an answer from Will.


"It's Mike.".

I heard a bit of ruffling coming from his sleeping bag and steps towards the door.
The door was opened an inch just enough for me to make out the glimmer of Will's eye looking up at me.

"What do you want?" He asked with a sudden change from gentle and sweet to annoyed and cross.

"How are you feeling? You haven't been at school. Is it because of me?" I was eager now that I was standing on the other side of him.

"I'm sick." He spat at me before he slammed the door in my face. I stuck my foot in the door as fast as I could though, just in time.

Will looked down at my foot then back up at me. "Leave me alone." He snapped, leaving his spit on my nose.

I whipped his spit off my nose with a quick flick and responded quickly: "the guys and I just want to know how you were doing!".

"Your lying. Again." He argued towards me.

"What?! No I'm not!".

"The others spoke to me just before. They asked if I was okay!" He shouted at me.

My fingers had been rested on the doorframe when Will slammed the door on me again.
I let out a quick yap of pain and pulled my fingers away from the door.
Two of my nails immediately started to turn black from the door and I squeezed them tight towards my chest.

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