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Mike's POV

Will was looking back and forth between all of us, confused and shocked at the same time. Joyce was going over what had happened in the last 2 hours.

"Wait. So I actually tried to kill you guys?" He questioned us.

"Only Mike and I" El confirmed for him.

"I don't get how you guys are all acting so casual about this! I could've killed you guys!" Will placed his head in one of his hands. "This is crazy...".

"We've got to end this!" I announced loudly. I stood up from the chair I had been sitting on. "We need to kill off Vecna before anything like this can happen again!" My throat felt terrible as I spoke.

Eleven reached over her chair to tug me back down to sit. "Not until we have a plan, Mike." She told me.

Will sat silently for a moment, fiddling with his hands. "I think I've got a plan." He murmured.

"What is it?" I asked him eagerly.

Will only instead shook his head at me. "No. I'm only ready to share it with El." He said.

I slumped deeper into the cushioning of the chair.
Will obviously noticed how I had been struck by him refusing to tell me because he then went on to tell me: "It's not that I don't trust you, Mike... I just feel as though El would be of more... custody."

"C'mon! I'm not that dumb, Will. I know trust and custody mean the same thing!" My fists were clenched as I yelled at him.

"I just want El to have an understanding of what my plan is before anybody else. So she could perhaps switch it up to make it better?" He shrugged at me.

"It's fine by me" I shrugged back to him as I turned my head to face my left, away from the sight of Will. "I'm not gonna stop you from hanging out with your new friend."

"Mike!" Will's shout made my eyes dart back towards his figure. "Don't start acting like that now! We've got serious problems with Vecna that we need to fix! It's not like we are anything like friends anyway. And I'm not just talking about the fact that we haven't been the closest since the beginning of our troubles with Vecna." His stare was focused on nothing but me before he spoke once more. "What are we? After the kiss we had at your place?"

Before I could answer - not like I knew what to say for his words had left me speechless - he had left with El's hand clutched in his own and was now heading down the hall towards his room to speak to her.

Joyce was side glancing me but I had no need to worry about the tint of awareness she was giving off. I was too focused on what Will had asked me. What are we?

Will's POV

I shut the door behind us. El was already sitting cross legged on my bed, following my movements towards my bed with her gaze.

"So?" She asked me. "What's the plan?".

I sat down on the bed beside her with my legs dangling over the edge. "I literally came up with this in under two minutes so don't judge it or anything."

"Like you said:" she smiled at me. "I can fix it up! We'll straighten it up after you finish telling me the base of it."

"Okay.." I grinned at her.

We both quickly fixed up our positions so that we were facing each other. El was slightly leaning towards me whilst I was slumped a bit backwards.

"My plan was if that maybe that the two of us-"
I was quickly cut off by El.

"I'm going to stop you right there." She said to me. "Just the two of us? Not even nine of us were able to defeat Vecna last time!".

"I mean... I do have a decent amount of experience with guns..." I muttered.

"And so does Nancy. But she couldn't defeat Vecna either." Eleven pointed out.

"Just keep on listening, okay?" I sighed to her.

El nodded her head towards me in meaning for me to go forth in my explanation of my plan.

"Since Vecna can control my mind I was thinking if maybe I could perhaps try and identify where he his which you can from there travel into the upside down, maybe with me, and, well... yeah. Defeat him." my explanation was much more shorter then when I had planned it in my head.

"Okay, that plan is really sloppy. We are going to have to do a lot of adjusting to that." El half gleamed at me.

She then went on to sit up from my bed and grab one of the large pieces of paper that had been sitting in a small pile inside of my window-side desk.
El placed it on my bed in front of me and sat on the other end to face me once more.

"We're gonna be here all night" she smirked at me holding up the black permanent marker in one hand.

I gave a small nervous chuckle in response.

Mike's POV

El and Will had been in the room for two hours now. Joyce had aloud me to stay for as long as I needed but it still felt uncomfortable to feel as though it was just me and an adult - that wasn't even my parent - be in the same room together.
And at this point of waiting: I was starting to think that El and Will had jumped through the window to go fight off Vecna without Joyce or I knowing.

Without anything else to do: I reached for the magazine that was on the coffee table in front of me. It was a 'Life' magazine for fitness.
The magazine was completely un advertising for my taste but I continued to go on and turn the page to flick through the images that were on each page.

"Why are you reading a fitness magazine?"

I looked up to see El and Will standing in front of me with their hands loaded with paper and pens.

"Er, I was bored.." I quickly dropped the magazine back on top of the table.

Joyce stepped into the room with a cigarette between two of her fingers. "You need a hand with the paper?" She asked.

El shook her head and then went on to swipe of all of the stuff that had been on the coffee table with one free hand so that she and Will could place all their stuff upon it.

"We think we have the plan all figured out." El told us as she started to neaten up all the paper on the table.

Joyce sat down on the couch beside me as Will walked over to the phone that was hanging in the hall.

"We're gonna need to call everybody over for this." El clarified for us.

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