When your legs don't work like they used to before~

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Achilles looks down at his Master, she looks exhaused, even after an hour of rest. Some part of him feels guilty for making her feel like this, but another part of him feels grateful. If he hadn't have been summoned when he did, he loathed to think what that man would have done to her. It causes his stomach to churn in disgust. Nobody should ever treat another human like that, but he knows the horrors of his time so he's pretty desensitized to it. Sadly, those atrocities won't leave his mind no matter what he does. So, he gazes back down at Hazel, letting her rest on her back with her head in his lap.

Reaching down, he brushes her brown bangs out of her face, admiring her slightly chubby face. Now that he takes a closer look, he can tell by the eyebags that normally she doesn't get much time to rest. Even so, he thinks she's beautiful. A small grin spreads across his face, feeling lucky he got summoned by a woman like this. She may not be confident, but at least in her inexperience she makes up for it in being rather cute and kind. He can tell she has a good head on her shoulders. The green haired man sits back up, holding his hands behind his head as he relaxes. Closing his eyes to wait for her to wake up.

Sadly, another hour passes and they end up needing to get this Sigularity done. Achilles frowns, hearing the Director nag him to wake up his Master

"Listen lady, I appreciate that you tried to help her. That doesn't mean it'll help her by waking her up. I can carry her just fine anyways."
Achilles gives a chilling glare to Olga Marie, who backs away in alarm. Right, she forgot these two aren't even part of Cheldea. Her hands slowly clench into fists, and her glare comes back. She needs to at least get this damn servant to move.
"Oh yeah? You care enough about her, that means we need to move and get out of here. If we get back to Cheldea faster then we'll be able to help her sooner. You say you're the fastest, so why don't you use that speed and hurry your ass up with waking her. Having to protect an unconcious Master is much more difficult then protecting an exhaused Master. At least she can take care of herself."
The white haired woman glares, narrowing her eyes down at the servant. Both of her hands shake though, trying to hide her fear. Caster just sighs and looks outside the window of the school. The novice Master holds his hands up, before looking over at Achilles. Looking to be in thought.

"What she's trying to say...Having your Master awake would be better, considering they...can be an extra set of eyes. Yeah?"
Ritsuka is being truthful, but he also just started this. Not to mention, Mash is draining his magic energy as well. He's pretty tired, but he can't imagine how hard it can be for a civilian to have a servant. Ritsuka heard that this womans magic circuits are unique but almost don't exist. It must be harsh on her mind and body.

"Dammit...whatever. Fine, I'll wake her up. She better get treatment when we get to this facility."
Achilles waves them away, setting his spear on the ground. Turning his head down to the woman that's resting on his lap. Another disgruntled sigh later once they are given space, he sets his gloved hand on her cheek. Patting it over and over. He doesn't want to be too loud, considering what events she's been through. The others don't know the details of what happened before him and his Master got here.
"Hey, hey, Master. Wake up, we need to get going. You can sleep for as long as you want when we get out of this place. It's dangerous here."
Achilles continues to pat her head.

Beginning to awake, Hazel groans softly. Narrowing her eyes when humid air hits her in the face. Her headache is pounding, it's like there is a jackhammer hitting both side of her head. Grogily, the brunette opens her eyes to look up. Moving her arms, taking note that shes on her back and whatever she's laying on is comfortable.

"Master, you're awake. If you want me to carry you, I can, it'll be easy for me. I promise."

A cool, reassuring voice calls out from above me. Rubbing my eyes, vision clearing, I'm met with Achilles looking down at me. A grin on that handsome face of his. For a second I think I'm dreaming, but the pain wakes me up from that. Oh... This really isn't a dream, is it? We're not in my reality anymore.
Cheeks flaring with heat, from the atmosphere or from Achilles I dont know, but it doesn't stop me from sitting up faster than I should. Achilles immediately grabs my shoulders as a huge bought of nausea hits me. Lurching forward, slapping my hand over my mouth and squeezing my mouth shut. Ringing is all I hear for a solid 3 seconds before my senses come back to me. Finding myself pulled back into Achilles' chest, hearing muffled talking.
My eyes droop, but fall closed when I feel a cold hand settle on my forehead. Breathing evening out, it feels nice. I take a minute to compose myself, I've never felt this shitty in my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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