Did I just get isekaied, or is this Hell?

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It's been a long day.

One would think someone like me wouldn't be stressed to high heaven, when I've been resting in bed all day. Honestly, I shouldn't even be complaining. But alas, the world seems to have it out for me today.

First, my husky - Mono - decided it would be a good idea to start screaming at a bird outside in the backyard. I had to come down to calm him down, but he got so excited that his tail was at least going mock 2. Knocking over a couple vases of flowers in the living room. Thank goodness the bird got spooked by me screaming, it flew off and never came back. I felt bad scolding my baby boy but he's not far off from being stupid sometimes, like me. It made me scream again when he almost stepped on the shards of grass. I picked him up with strength I didn't know I had to get him away from the mess.

I got that cleaned up thankfully. Mono calmed down after that...as much as a husky can settle down. Although, I think I cut myself since I had some red smudges on my right hand. I tried to rub it off, but it didn't come off. Maybe it was some pain I got on my hand by accident.

Next, my air conditioner broke unexpectedly. It was working just fine but it just decided to peace out. Entering my hot as shit garage to get a fan, until I was sweating like crazy. I worried for Mono, but I put a fan on for him so he can stay cool.
That means no fan for me. Mono is much more important than me! That's a fact.
Anyways, now I have to get someone to come fix it. Lord only knows that they'll probably be busy when in this heat. I don't want a stranger coming to my house though, especially when I'm dressed in a tank-top and short shorts and that's it. Of course I have my underwear, but who would wear a bra in your own house? A psycho, that's who! (Unless you have a guest over.)

It's mid-day down, around 2pm, and I was suffering in the heat while playing a Gacha Game I liked to play occasionally. Now it's a whapping 7pm.

Currently? Outside as the sun sets, dressed in an unimpressive plain light red hoodie with black sleeves, and my black shorts I had on earlier. I didn't wear anything different under it. I just put a bra on (begrudgingly) to go outside. With some simple red vans and white socks, with a reusable bag hanging off my left arm. Nothing fancy, I won't be out for long considering Mono is waiting for my return.

The only thing fancy on my person is my phone, and a necklace I got on my 18th birthday. It's a dope, intricate pattern in a circle. Like those dope summoning circles from Full Metal Alchemist, or Fate/Zero, UDW, Heaven's Feel, Grand Order, etc. It's metal, and it has a beautiful multicolored gem in the middle of it.
A sigh leaves me, sweating lightly in the hoodie, but I feel more comfortable with it. I mutter to myself as I adjust the headphones around my neck, tiredly rubbing my eyes with the back of my right hand as I walk into the nearby 7-Eleven. Taking my time on getting what I need. Setting the ramen bags into the bag I brought along, with a bottle of water just to take along with me. Ending it off with a couple ice cream sandwiches. Walking up to the register, I get the ice cream sandwiches down, with the water and ramen bags.
"That'll be around 7 dollars, miss."
The tired looking cashier informs me, taking the money I fish out of my small wallet. Taking the change, while putting the items half-hazardly into the bad.
"Thank you, have a good day."
I give the man a small smile, before exiting the relieving cold conditioning of the 7-Eleven. Curse my air conditioner for breaking, I'll have to get a big fan to blow on me tomorrow. Speaking of, I have work tomorrow. I groan quietly to myself, red eyes squinting when a sudden spell of dizziness rushes over me.

Quickly, I walk near a wall and hold onto it, right hand gripping on tightly to the brick wall. Trying to take deep breathing to calm down, but as I look up ahead I feel the dizziness get worse when I see a dark figure walking towards me. The hell?
I can only watch as it gets closer, and the red light that burns onto the back of my right hand. It burns like hell, making me cry out from the unfamiliar pain.
"What...What the h-hell? H-Hey, you-- don't...don't you get any closer."
This person doesn't stop. So I force myself to stand up straighter and make a break for it. I briefly hear a shout behind me, but I could care less about whatever they are shouting about. Ignoring how my whole body feels like it's burning up. There is no way I'm going towards my house when there is a person chasing me. What did I do? Did I get caught up in some mafia scheme? Or criminal investigation? Oh god, what if I'm running away from the police.
My head runs with overly exaggerated scenarios as I make some tears to try and confuse the person following me. Sadly, the adrenaline burst begins to run out, but I ignore it to try and rush around the block to get to my house and call the cops.
'Maybe taking PE seriously, as well as my health would have been a good idea. I'm about to get stabbed by some killer because of my chubby ass.'
I morbidly joke in my mind, trying to smother the panic attack that's creeping up into the front of my mind. But my mind is cut off when I'm grabbed by behind. Being yanked back by my hood, almost choking in the process. As quickly as I can, I let out a yell and deck whoever it is that grabbed me in the face. Not caring for the burning that comes from my right hand, and how the world spins around me.

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