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The darkness of the house that welcomed him upon his arrival was promising and disappointing all at once.

In the foyer, Taehyung adjusted his grip on his trunk as he took a long breath, letting the familiar smells relax his stiff muscles. He was tired, having been unable to find rest most of the day. His powers were drained, but he didn't have the heart to feed tonight. Perhaps tomorrow.

Dragging his boots on the solid floor, he reached the bottom of the staircase. One gloved hand on the banister, he hadn't yet taken the first step up when the electric lamps flickered to life. The entire entrance hall was swathed with warm light.

"My lord."

A voice he thought he would never hear again.

He turned towards the sound on instinct.

You stood in the archway that led to the library, just far enough that he had been unable to detect your scent in his current state. If it weren't for the lights, he would have thought you a hallucination, conjured by his own desperate mind. He drank in the sight with greed. Every swish and lace trim of your long, layered skirt. The curve of your hidden corset. And of course, the hint of smooth skin left unhidden by an unbuttoned high-collar.

"You've returned," you said.

His surprise faded with each passing second. It was replaced with guilt, the sickening ache of it as he was reminded of just how weak he had been a month prior. How susceptible he still was to you. He would hurt you if you came any closer. He couldn't let that happen.

"You..." Words felt clogged, stuck together as he drew himself back even as you took a step towards him. How was he to send you away? If all that had transpired was not enough to scare you, what could?

Taehyung dropped his case with a definitive thud.

"Why are you still here?" He grit his teeth. Kept his voice low and lethal. "What exactly is it that you want from me?" For good measure, he narrowed his eyes into a cold glare that would be enough to make any reasonable person run. "Whatever it is, I cannot give."

Yet, you stood your place. "You can. Only you are capable of such a thing."

He closed his eyes. He would not entertain this. It was better to cut it off as quick as possible. "You need to leave."

"I cannot!"

Now you were the one with hands curled into fists, held firmly by your side with a conviction he had not expected. With quick strides, you closed the distance between you until you were a mere ten paces away and your scent, hell, your scent.

"Forgive me." You brought your hands in front of your chest, covering one with the other. "For I cannot leave without at least saying... I have fallen for you, my lord."

"No." He shook his head even as shock hammered through his thoughts. "That is... That must be impossible."


You kept looking at him with those eyes, and curse him, he could see only truth reflected in their clear depths. Or was that only what he wanted to see? He was hopeless already, but he could not bear to admit it.

"Why is it impossible that an unwed woman might find herself in love with the handsome Count who saved her? The same man who has treated her with such kindness?"

"Kindness?" He repeated, incredulous. Had you lost your memory somehow?

"You've allowed me to stay here without expectation of any compensation. You've entertained my silly pastimes, and even brought me a gift of flowers. If that is not kindness... then I know not the meaning of the word."

"I..." He faltered, caught off balance.

You bit your lip. "I realize it is unbecoming of a woman to be so forward. And I will take my leave now, if that is what you still wish. But I could not bear the thought of going without... Without first confessing this truth."

And it was then, looking into the face of someone so much braver than he, did Taehyung realize his fatal folly.

All this time, he had thought his need to be bloodlust, when it had always been more.

When had he fallen? He hadn't even noticed. Somewhere between hesitation and anticipation, something precious had bloomed despite the darkness.

He didn't know who moved first. But then you were in his arms, and he ceased thinking rationally altogether. Especially when your lips met. It was slow to start for he knew he would feel like ice, but when you sought him again for another kiss, and then another, acute relief washed over him like a rainstorm.

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