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Count Taehyung despised extended journeys.

He found all aspects about them nauseating. The endless shifts of the carriage's large wheels on uneven ground that jostled the seats. The dashes of bright, scalding light that somehow always slipped their way through the dark curtains, even when he drew them firmly shut. Most of all, he hated being away from his manor. A place where everything was to be expected. Expected, familiar, and safe.

At least this particular ride was soon to end. It would be the last of its kind for some time, he hoped.

Reaching out, Taehyung caught a scrap of the heavy curtain fabric between two long fingers. Only now, close to midnight, did he dare lift, to expose what lay in the outside world he was passing by.

Lit by a crescent moon, the expansive lands of Transylvania were quiet and largely still. A soft breeze seemed to be blowing, as he noted how the blades of grass bent and swayed to the wind's beckon. Now, at the end of summer, Taehyung expected the night air would be exactly the right sort of cool that would feel pleasant even on his skin. But he would not stop the carriage now. Not when he was this close to his destination.

Taehyung was a moment away from letting his hand fall when his eyes, permanently adjusted to the pitch shades of night, caught sight of a shape on the side of the road.

At first, he thought it an animal. Some creature taking a rest from the day's exertions in a strange location. But then, the closer the carriage drew, the more the details began to make themselves known.

A medium-sized carrying case. A heavy, elaborate skirt the color of fine whiskey. A half-bared arm from an askew overcoat.

It was a woman.

A human.

You could not be merely lying down in this position, at this time, when any wild thing, any monster could happen upon you. You had to be in need of help. You could be injured. There might even be blood.

And if there was... that would make him worse than any stray wolf.

Taehyung dropped his hand. He settled back into his seat and closed his eyes. No. He had to pass. He had to leave you to fate, if you believed in such things. The large carriage rumbled on, to the demands of his steed's steps.

They had not made it ten seconds past you before he heard himself calling the driver to stop.

Then he was on his feet, black leather boots clicking against the hard road as he walked towards you at a brisk speed that said he was afraid he would alter his decision at any moment.

At twenty paces away, he caught the scent of your perfume: a subtle hint of florals, perhaps roses, coupled with notes of orange. No blood.

"Excuse me, miss."

The rumble of his deep voice sliced through the serenity of the night.

And when you raised your head, when you turned towards him, he found himself struck by a pair of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. With his own enhanced vision, he could see you clearly despite the lack of moonlight and for a moment, he could only stare. Drawn in by something inexplicable. Unfathomable.

With a small cough, he squeezed his hand tightly around the carved raven head of his walking staff to bring himself back to reality. "...Do you require assistance, miss?" He asked again, careful to hide his sharpest teeth from view.

"Um." You looked down at your ankle, covered by a high-laced boot. He watched you turn it, not missing the wince of pain as you did. "Yes, it seems I am, unfortunately, in need." Your voice was soft, making Taehyung almost want to lean in to make sure he did not miss a word.

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