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Hi! Yes... I fixed for awhile... But now I am back! So...ha! And yes, I am aware that it's probably around 5AM... I woke up at 3 and just wasted all my time doing random sh!t! I still have like... 20 minutes to do whatever I want before getting ready for school! 

Anyway, remember how a boy I knew from last year sent me a message saying they love me a few chapters ago? Yeah! Him! So, I had asked my friend to go and ask him WTF was going on because she was in the same class as him. He told her that he had no idea what she... Well, I, was talking about. He hadn't sent anything to me and didn't even go through my contact. Meaning his older sister did it as a prank. I don't know why and don't know she was trying to achieve. Anyway, remember how I was whining about my new seat, I found it wasn't THAT bad and it was okay. I could live with for awhile before losing my marbles. 

Yeah! Also, you know how me and my friend borrow each other's books? Yeah! He gave me 3,4 and 5. The day he gave them, I totally forgot I had them, and then the next day I realized and quickly tried to finish at least 4. I managed to finish it in time and give it back, he let me keep the other 2 for the weekend. I haven't finshed 5, actually... I haven't even started, but I did finish 4. This is why you should NEVER take my word. I just do with 5 like what I did with 3, I will read some before going down to the car, read some more in the car, then try and finish the book with the time I have in school. It's a stretch but I think I can do it! 

BTW, someone with the username @mugichaaa sent me something about wanting me to work with WEBNOVEL's. Anyway, when I looked in my inbox for the small convo we had that we didn't finish... It wasn't there.. BUT!!! I do have screenshots of the things they sent me! Why did I take a picture? Because I am a badass and evidence is key to everything! 

Halloween is today... I will just wear last year's costume or wear my brother's suit and be from men in black. Might end up being fun. OR I will be Anna like in character day, the only problem is that no on knows who the fvck she is but a couple. How fitting! 

Yeah.... I now have 10 minutes to spare.... Fvcking shit! Anyway, my mama tried to study with me Arabic, didn't go as how she expected. I later in escaped anyway so it doesn't matter. 

Also, my dad took my tablet away, but little did he know I had my Booutiful phone with me the whole time! I still have a lot to tell yall! But I will leave it at this for now because of something called time. I will most likely upload later today as a substitute. But, till then. 

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, have a great day/Night and see in the next chapter! Bye my Lovelys! 

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