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Hello my dear children it is.... I actually for got the date and that the first thing I should write, one minute! Okay, there we go! Anyway, I came back from school a couple hours ago, and I honestly didn't very much like today, but it's ffiiiinnneee!

Anyway, drama alert, if you can even call this drama. So if you remember my friend from the past chapter, yeah not that one, the one which I was acting stupid and dramatic and wanyed to apologize and also the one that hurt her hand bad (go to conversations and look for character day to understand more). Anyway, as we were going out, I was looking out on the area to find that friend, we will call her Gabby. The minute I entered the area, I said bye to my friend and went over to her and my other friend, we will call her Lucy and they were talking, totally normal. Okay, I began to apologize and and call her name, but this b!tch ignored me, i kept on trying to get her attention such as tapping her shoulder, giving her a small push, she just kept on talking to Lucy and fvcking ignored me. This went on for a good what? 10 minutes? Anyway, Lucy was like like saying "let her finsh" and "Give her a minute", okay and I waited, I was sick of this and Lucy literally asked Gabby "Should we talk to her now?" in front of my fvcking face! Lucy is very nice okay, like very. But still! So this dumbass knew about her ignoring me on PURPOSE!!! and not only that but she was going along with it. I was st this point going to cry. My closest friends were ignoring me and no matter how much I apologized, they wouldn't stop. Then after Gabby was done fvcking talking, I had this point turned my back around and was just looking out for my mom's car, I was sick of this sh!t, then she was like "So what were you going to say Gurley?"  You fvcking ask me that now Bitch!? So I practically ignored them and continued. Anyway, Lucy left and it was only me and Gabby and I asked Gabby WTF was that and Gabby was like "You act like you have such a hard life when people actually have it hard! You have a perfect life!" so this gurl gave me a heartache because I thought I did something wrong and kept ignoring me AND THEN THIS HER ANSWER!!!? This mother Fvcker! This first thing I did when I got out of school was go and apologize for how stupid I was, and even before that, the day we fought, I apologized on text. WHAT DOES THIS GURL WANT FROM ME!!!? She was then like, let's leave it in the past. Shut your dumbass up! I don't want hear your nasty ass voice anymore! 

I know I am acting like a brat, but I stand by my ground!

Anyway, this conversation got awkward because I forgot what I was going to type, but okay! But today really went by like a blink of an eye, what the hell was that!? Oh, and also i almost wore the wrong uniform to school,so basically, we have no changing room, you come yo school with your PE clothes. So yesterday and befor yesterday were holidays, and so may or may not have must up the days and wore the PE uniform, later on I realized my mistake and went ahead and quickly changed. I found my seat is not that bad, it's fine, and if I ever want yo change my seat, I'll just say I'm uncomfortable with sitting with one of kids on the table and she will probably change me. I also had changed my entire theme to purple and made 2 Kokichi backgrounds for myself, yes I am a Simp. 

I am now honestly super bored so I am just going yo stop thinking and just let my hands move and type without me gving commands. 

A small quize it se eif you know me... At all! 

1. What is my favorite color(s) ?  

2. What is my actual name? 

3. Where am I from? 

4. What is my Zodiac sign?

5. Am I a girl or a boy?  

Yep, that's it! 

I am very bored, in my family my siblings and my parents all got surgery, which sucks to suck, but I didn't. I didn't cause trouble like that! Tho I would cause other trouble that would make big messes! Such as getting scratched by a stray cat and needing to drive for 2 or 3 hours straight to find a hospital that was open and had the shot. Hurting myself with a sharp metal then needimg to go to the hospital to get a shot be9i didn't take it earlier in my life! When I was a toddler, I tried yeeting myself off the balcony. How am I alive? My older brother was holding me by my feet and calling our mom. Or getting lost in the beach and my parents had to call the police to come and find me! See! I have caused alot if chaos through out my life! I also cause a lot of trouble at school! Not trouble, more like drama, but that doesn't matter! Does it? 

I think I am growing shorter, because I be wearing boots to school. To make myself seem taller. Then when one of the short boys stood in front if me, I realized they looked a lot taller. So wither they are getting taller or I am getting short or I am stupid and I don't know what size is..... Probably the 3rs option. 

I hate how I kept on waking up at 3AM and tried to go back to sleep, then when I woke and checked the time, if would still be 3, and the worst part is that I was late to school! Wow! I also had to go through library as my first lesson, you could probably tell how that went, no I am kidding, it went nothing like you excepted and then we had math! So my brain had a good wake up call! 

I remember my English teacher once yelled at another girl because she had "Inappropriate" tabs open for school. Bish! Shut the fvck up!! Why are you looking through her tabs man!?! You stalker!! I remember the lights of my room would flicker really badly and me and my mom would joke saying they were signals. Good times, good times, there are many think that make my room haunted, not alot, but a few! 

Something that I also remember was that my sister as once in our old apartment this happened. She was in the bathroom then the roof collapsed on her. Don't worry, she is fine, tho the ceiling wasn't. Something else was that I once had this doll, I thought that doll was dirty so I went to the bathroom to clean her. I took a sponge off the counter and began to clean her and then left. My sister entered the bathroom and was like: "Who used the sponge that I use to clean the toilet? I did not keep it there." I was to scared to speak up, sk I just stood there quietly. 

There was this onetime me and my friends talked about how the dress code if our school was sexset (is that how you spell it?) How is your dress code sexset? because all schools have those rules that are not making the girls and boys equal! Should share how mine had favoritism and such as, I guess we will find out later!

Anyway, that is all for today, i hope yoh enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice night/Day, Bye my Lovelys! 


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