Chapter 1

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Jason Todd also known as the Red Hood was rather hated by his family that seemed to have a lack of trust in him just because he came back and tried to kill the Joker or the rest of the family. That was a time when he was fresh out of the pit and didn't develop yet as he was only filled with rage and needed to release it out in some way. But at the cost of losing everything in the end because of his rash and reckless desions that he had made throughout the years now.

Even when he was helping out the rest of the batfamily he was one with no one even if there was others around they had never included him in anything. He was an outcast at that point and wanted nothing to do with Bruce or the rest of the family that had decided to neglect him. Jason was never on any of the family art works nor invited to watch any movies. Or to any trips he was often left alone to protect Gotham while everyone else was away. Never taking a break or having time to be around people who cares for him.

Jason had already lost them at this point as he had no idea where that portal had taken Bizarro and Artemis. Roy was dead now along with his little girl which made Jason the Red Hood, the man that even hero's freared at times cried. Kori was back with the Titans and with Dick as well after Roy's death. Leaving Jason to mend his own heartbreak by himself, his own loneliness. But that could never work because their is only so much one can be able to do by himself.

Jason had passed that point and was broken in Bruce's words and is in need to be fix. But that wasn't what the 19 year old wants. He just wanted to be cares and loved and not just feel like he was another Robin. A soldier that Bruce could use and soon throw away when not needed or when a much better version came up. It had away made him feel as if he was replaceable.

Jason Todd an Avenger Where stories live. Discover now