Try to change

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I walk down the street as shinobi after shinobi try to knock me unconscious. Huh, this is the best the Hokage is trying to me back.

As Itachi come after me I say

"Remember your little brother." He turns around and walks away. Viper appears in front of me and tells me

"Well, Link the Hokage wants your presence." I nod and teleport there. I look at him and say

"What do you want?" He says

"I would like to see your record." I ask

"Why would you like to see it and don't lie." He says

"I just want to see." I say

"Lie." I shoot a shot close to his head. He looks surprised as he asks

"How did you know." I reply

"If you lie your heart will beat a certain way that's not if you are nervous but telling the truth." He says

"Okay you got me but I was seeing how strong you are." I hand him my file. My file says

Hyrule Link. Male and 5'0 age 7
status; Anbu Commander. (totally didn't make that up) Missions complete
Total missions complete:8200
Rank octuple-S rank (octuple=8)
Specializes; everything.
Skills; Tajutsu; Kenjutsu,Ninjutsu ext. (Pretty much everything)
Bounty; 500 Quadrillion Ryo
Encounter: Except your fate. He whistles and says

"Nice sheet here." I smirk and say

"Better than yours." He looks angry but says

"I have an offer for you, me and my family would like to challenge you to a battle. If we win you have to come back to our family. If you win we won't make you family." I say

"Bet but when is this happening?" He replies

"It is happening at 4:30 so you have two hours to prepare." I laugh and walk out and too to Itachi's house I tell Itachi when I got to his house

"Hey Itachi, I can't train." He nods and says

"Yeah, I know that." I nod and go to my training ground. I make about a hundred pillars for cover. I make about fifty wood clones. I say

"Okay, boys this a training session you'll know the drill." They nod and all suddenly have Ar-15s and Glock 19s.

I go behind a pillar and say

"Begin." All the clones rush for cover. When one tries to get a peek at me I shoot him with my Galil. He falls limply to the ground. For the two hours while I wait I do this drill. When it is time, then an Anbu appears as I nod.

I teleport to the Chunnin exams battlefield. I say to the Uzukage

"Good luck." They nod as the Procter says

"The Uzukage family vs Link Hyrule, BEGIN." Minato throws a three-pronged-kunai at me. I shoot it and destroy it.

Kushina attempts to hit me with chakra chains. I dodge as it hit Mito. Mito falls to one knee as Kushina rushes to her side. Menma yells

"You'll pay for that." I laugh as he comes after me. I dodge a punch from Menma and hit him with an elbow to the stomach. He flies and hits Kushina who hits Mito. They all fly into a wall.

Minato attempts to hit me in the back of the neck. I slide under his legs. Before he can turn around. I kick him in the back. He flies forward and tumbles to the ground.

Behind me, Mito and Menma are charging up an Odama Rasengan combination. I appear behind and ask them

"What are you'll doing." When they attempt to hit me with it the Rasengan phases through me.

I make two Triforce blades and slam them into their stomachs. They fly into a wall unconscious. I turn to see injured Kushina and Minato.

Kushina pulls out her sword as Minato pulls out a three-pronged-kunai. I pull out Fi and the Hylian Shield. When Kushina tries to hit me with her katana I block her with Fi.

When Minato tries to put the Three-pronged-kunai kunai to my neck. I block it with my shield. I sigh and decide this is boring and teleport behind Minato and kick him with a quadrillionth of my power.

He falls to the ground unconscious. Kushina attempts to kick me. I grab her leg and throw her. She slams into a single tree that is in the middle of the stadium. I turn to the Procter and raise and say

"This is over." He nods and yells

"Link Hyrule!" The crowd goes quiet. Then ever start chanting that I'm a Legend. I yell at them

"I don't want that title cause all the Legend seem to be dying out I mean what the fuck is this 'bout."

I walk out and go to that single cherry blossom tree on the Hokage mountain. I see Miko and Fu at the top of the tree. Miko says

"Nice job on the win." She also said in a joking manner

"Have you heard about the 27 club?" I reply

"27 club, huh I ain't making it past 21." We all start laughing. Shika and Hinata. Walk up the path. I say to Shika

"I thought it was to much of a drag coming up here is." We laugh as Shika says

"Since you beat your ex-family I would reward you by meeting you guys up here." We laugh and start playing music music on the speaker I brought. Me and Miko start singing

"'Been a long fight, still no truth (oh yeah)
Been a long night, sippin' on chop and screw juice
She said she wanna screw Juice
Her boyfriend like, "Screw Juice"
Hit 'em with the ooh-la-la

We start singing different some lyrics

""Was just school in a blown-up world
There's still gossip, there's still drama, there's still problems
There's a right and there's a wrong
There's still people that I think won't love me 'til I'm gone."" [Also this not mine this is lyrics from Graduation by Juice Wrld and Benny Blanco.]

Me and my friends party all through the night. The next morning I wake up and see a note taped to the wall.

Nobody Really Wins (A Uchiha named Link sequel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora