The stars

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Let's go another chapter finished yes sir let's go. Hope you guys like the chapter also Link's taijutsu/kenjutsu style is called the Hylain sword he only uses swords, kicks, and elbows because it felt weird for him to punch in the middle of the air

I slowly get out of bed. I put on my mask, tunic, sword, shield, and headphones. I walk out of the door.

I see Minato gives me a glare and some KI. I chuckle and use about quadruple his. He freezes I laugh some more. Kushina asks in an annoyed tone

"What's so funny brat." I reply

"It's that your great Hokage is afraid of a five-year-old's KI." She snorts and mutters something under her breath. I say

"If your gonna say something then say it out loud." She laughs and says

"Like you could use your KI, Hell you don't even know how to use chakra I could kick your ass anytime." I say

"Want to bet lady." She continues to laugh and replies

"You can't beat me." She rushes at me. I teleport us outside. She grabs her Ninjato. I pull out Fi and the Hylian Shield. I block a sword slash and kick her in the stomach. She flies back and lands on her feet. I pull out my Glock and say

"Lightning style; White ball bullet." I put in just enough power to disable the limb. I hit her in the arm. She curses and switches to the other arm. I land an elbow on her face. She falls to the ground as I make a blood clone. I walk to school. At school Menma and his group scream their 'insults'.

I walk into the classroom and take my seat. I pull out a bottle of Billionaire Vodka. I pour myself a cup. When Iruka comes in he looks at me and asks

"Aren't you underage to drink?" I reply

"Yeah but technically I'm an adult since my family disowned me and doesn't care what I do ." I drink my bottle during class until the taijutsu spars. When we walk out Menma yells at me

"Me, Mito, Sakura, Sasuke, and Kiba want to fight Link." Iruka looks at me and I nod as we all walk to the ring.

Menma snorts and says

"This is gonna be so easy." He and Mito use KCM II. I'm surprised but don't show it.

(I'm gonna make it so that if you have all the power of the nine-tails you get truth-seeking orbs.)

Menma sends a truth-seeking orb at me.
I dodge the orbs. Mito says

"Biju Dama." I cut the Biju Dama in half.
The Biju Dama explodes around me. Sasuke shoots a fireball at me. I dodge and get behind Sakura and Kiba. I knock them out.

I jump back and land a kick on Sasuke's head. He slams into the ground. I turn to my siblings and sit down and throw a ball up and catch it. When Mito rushes me I throw the ball and it smacks her in the forehead. She flies past me and falls out of bounds, unconscious.

I stand up as Menma uses KCM II and Sage mode. He lunges at me. I dodge easily and knee him in the stomach.
He falls to the ground. I pick him up and toss him into the sky.

I flip Fi to the handle and strike Menma's head. He flies out of bounds as well. Iruka declares

"Link Hyrule is the victor." I walk off the field and to my favorite bar. Miko walks after me. When she catches up she asks me

"Why do you drink so much now?" I shrug my shoulders and reply

"Guess it's to deal with my 'family'." She nods and joins me as I signal the bartender. He walks over as I point to a bottle.

He hands me the bottle and I walk out of the bar and upon the Hokage tower. I climb up the cherry blossom tree.

When I reached the top I see Danzo and Viper. I look at Danzo and ask him

"Danzo-sensei can I change my codename to Delta." He looks at me with a questioning look. He replies

"Why do request a change?" I tell him

"Because Danzo I would like to memorialize the codename." He nods and hands a paper to sign.

I look behind and see Miko sitting. She has her feet dangling over the edge of the mountain.

I turn to Miko and sit down right next to her. I look up at the stars and lay down.
She flops down right next to me.

Fu sits on the other side of me. I look at her surprised and she says

"I figured I would find you guys here." I nod and look at the stars again. We sit there throughout the night.

It's about six, I wake up. I look down at the village and jump off the mountain. I close my eyes. It was a 360 reverse flip. After I kinda fall into a beat. When I see the Hokage.

He attempts to grab me. I plant a foot in his chest. I backflip away and land perfectly unhurt on the ground. He looks at me like I'm insane he says

"Do you know how dangerous that was? You could've been killed!" I shrug my shoulders and reply

"Well I'm not dead so it's not that dangerous." He walks away. I turn away and walk to another day at school. I look around to see a few bandits. I take them out and continue to walk on. I walk up to Hokage Mountain and get a mission to execute a few people from Danzo. I get bored and finish this up. I walk away as I have a concert as I've started my music career.

Hoped you'll like this chapter, or not as always it's your opinion on this book\chapter.

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