"Hehe, how was my acting?" he asked.

"Better than the current movie emperor." said Feng Yu Han, stroking Li Chang Bo's back.

"And you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, better than me. My baby is the best actor in the world. The craziest of them all." he said, pinching Li Chang Bo's cheek.

"Hehe." Li Chang Bo gave him a kiss on the forehead before rising from his lap and walking back to his seat.

No sooner had he sat down than there was a knock on the door and a voice was heard.

A waiter came in after hearing their permission, took their order and left the room shortly after.

"Hey Hanhan. Let's visit the orphanage where I spent my childhood."

"We can, but why do you want to visit that place?" asked Feng Yu Han, not understanding why his baby wanted to return to that terrible place.

All the terrible things they had done to
him and he had to experience made him angry every time he thought about it.

He actually wanted to do something about it, but he refrained from doing it because it was his baby's business.

He didn't want to do something that would make him upset.

"First, because I'm bored, and second, because I can't stand them living a happy life while torturing children. That's why I want to go there, but not alone." Li Chang Bo confessed his reasons.

On hearing his reason, Feng Yu Han sighed and nodded his head in
understanding. "Mn, do whatever you want. I'll be there if you need me."

Li Chang Bo smiled at him and felt his love for this man grow.

"If you don't mind, we can go there tomorrow. I only have two appointments tomorrow, so I can go with you afterwards for as long as you want," he suggested, since the next time he
wouldn't be free for a few weeks, although he would clear his schedule for his baby anytime without question.

"I agree with that." Li Chang Bo nodded in agreement.

The waiter came in with their food and served it to them. As they ate, you could hear Li Chang Bo's happy laughter and Feng Yu Han's constant approval of everything he told him.


In a villa a few kilometres away in a rich neighbourhood, a man was heard shouting.

The man who shouted was in his early 20s, was handsome and looked like the typical rich young master.

At that moment his face was twisted and he looked at the older couple sitting on the sofa in the living room, angry and hurt.

The older couple who were his
parents looked at him disapproving and annoyed at the same time.

"How many times have we told you to leave that girl! She doesn't fit our status. She's just a poor country girl." said the older woman who looked at her son sourly.

"I don't care! I love Huiqing and I want to be with her!" said the young man who turned out to be Zhang Bao, the protagonist of the world.

"She's just a poor country girl. It is obvious that she is with you to eat up all our money. Greedy brat. You're the only one here who can't see that. Open your damn eyes and see what kind of greedy heart she really has before you come whining to us like a child that you
love her and want to be with her forever. I will never welcome her into our family, so break up with her and go on a date with the daughter of the Ou family. She is a decent girl...." said mother Zhang. Zhang Bao, on the other hand, stared furiously at the ground and clenched his fist so tightly that veins could be seen on his hand.

After Mother Zhang finished rambling, she looked at her son, who was standing there angrily, and shook her head in disappointment.

Father Zhang, sitting next to his wife, also looked at his son with a sour expression.

"Why can't you be like your sister? All you do is drink and gamble day and night and and now you have the impudence to come to us and ask our blessing for your relationship with a Country girl. What a failure!" said Father Feng in disgust.

He had high expectations of his son, as he wanted him to take this family to a new level, but it looked like he was
overestimating him.

All his life he had tried to become one of the richest people in Ccountry, but no matter what he did, it was never enough to overcome that title of nouveau-riche that he had.

He didn't care what his son did as long as he married a woman from an influential family, but even that he failed to do, and eventually he fell in love with a poor girl.

Fortunately, he had a daughter who could help him fulfill his wish, since she was dating Feng Yu Han and was liked by Mrs. Feng.

Now all he had to do was wait for her to marry into the Feng family and he would become invincible. When he thought that his wish had almost come true, greed flooded his eyes.

"Why should I be like my sister? She can't even do anything without Feng Yu Han's help. Even their relationship won't last long, because it seems like Feng Yu Han is with someone else."

Zhang Bao said that just to provoke his parents, but he didn't know that what he said was the truth.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? At least your sister will have a prosperous future and she will be able to lead our family to new heights with Chairman Feng's help, but you, you have done nothing but fool around since you graduated from school. Get out of my sight. before I get even angrier. Disgraceful." Father Feng said furiously and pointed his finger at Zhang Bao.

Zhang Bao angrily walked away, got into his car and drove to Cha Huiqing at top speed.

"Look what kind of son you have given birth to. If he were just a little like his sister, I wouldn't have to worry about him, but no, he just does whatever he wants. i'm going crazy over this brat." said Father Zhang angrily, taking a strong breath.

Even though he valued money and power above everything, he still had some affection left for his son.

"Don't worry about it, honey. I will contact the Ou family and make an appointment with their daughter with our son. Calm down. Everything will be fine." Mother Zhou tried to reassure her husband.


A ringing sound came from the front door and a young woman who was watching TV got up and walked to the door.

The young woman was small and had a petite figure. Her skin was white and her face was cute and pure. She had doe-like brown bright eyes and wavy long oak brown hair. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see her lover there. Happily, she hugged him and asked, "What are you doing here, Brother Bao?".

Zhang Bao slowly calmed down and hugged her back, "I wanted to see you."

The two entered the house, Zhang Bao sat down on the couch and Huiqing went to the kitchen and brought him a cup of water.

Cha Huiqing sat down next to Zhang Bao, grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"What's wrong with you, brother Bao? You don't look happy." She asked worriedly.

"I just had another argument with my parents about our relationship. I don't understand what they have against you, Huiqing.

You are a wonderful person and deserve all the good things in the world. I just want them to support our relationship, but every time they force me to get together with people I don't even know." said Zhang Bao in frustration.

"Brother Bao has nothing to worry about. I'm sure they're just worried about you and want the best for you. They are your parents, Brother Bao, it is not good to quarrel with your to argue with your parents. I'm sure they will like me one day, and if they don't, there's nothing
we can do about it." She said, smiling at him to cheer him up.

"You're right." He said and smiled at her as well.


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