24. What's going on here?

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Mu- Are you sure. You look paler..

N- I am fine Mukti. I am sorry for me your engagement..

Mu- It's OK dear nothing is more important . It's good you are OK now..

I managed to convince everyone but I can see Manik looking me with doubtful gaze. Uff nothing could be hide from him....

Soon everyone left asking me to take rest .

I was about to lie on the bed when I heard someone entering my room . I turned to see Manik entering secretly..

N- Manik..

M- Yes Nandini me..

N- What are you doing here?? we can get caught..

M- I know you inside out Nandu now will you tell what happened to you truely or I have other ways..

N-(Avoiding gaze) Manik you heard Atmos..

M-(cutting her off) Nandu.. this is the last time I am warning you...

Hearing him I couldn't control my tears and burst out crying..

M-(worriedly) Nandu my jaan what happened tell me??

N-(crying) Manik...

M- Yes my jaan what happened say?? come on say..

N- (crying)Manik I... I am(Breaking down)

M- Yes what you say I am your Manik see..

Instead of replying I took his hand I placed it on my stomach..

At first he seemed confused but later I think he got what I wanted to tell

M-(surprised) Nandu are you...are you..

N-(nodding) Yes Manik I am pregnant..


And there was Manik lying unconscious.



I woke up trying to remember what happened. Slowly slowly I remember Nandu telling me she is pregnant. Yes pregnant... Wait what pregnant??

I think I just saw a dream in my sleep. Ya it was just a dream ya.. I turned to my side to see Nandu seeing me with worried eyes...

N- Are you OK Mani?

M- Yeh I am but but you know I saw a dream where you were telling me you are pregnant isn't it funny I mean how can you be pregnant..

Saying this I burst out laughing but suddenly I heard sobs beside me I saw my Nandu my jaan crying..

Umm did I say something wrong..

M- What happen Nandu??

N- You don't want the child...

M-(shocked) Means mean....

N- Yes Manik I am truely pregnant it was not a dream..

My eyes widened in shock.


M-(shuttering)P-Pregnant ??


Nandu is pregnant


My child . Our child

Manan ff Secret relationship of lifetime enemies Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz