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I didn't expect Ringo to make time for me so quickly, but luckily I prepared well for it.

When he takes me to the meeting room where we spoke recently, I'm relieved to see that no other Beachers are there. He doesn't bother to shield the papers on the table from me, but I do my best not to look too conspicuously. Still, my heartbeat quickens when I can tell that this is what makes the groups for tonight's games.

'Have you made a choice?' he asks me, not bluntly, but directly. When I come to say "no" to him, he will undoubtedly quickly move on with the matters that he has to arrange, but I can see from is attitude that he doesn't expect that answer. 'Yes,' I reply, 'I'm in, I'll try to help Hatter in the games as best I can.' Ringo's corners of his mouth curl up slightly. 'I was hoping for that.' He takes a wristband from his pocket and hands it to me. Now comes the time to be humble. 'I understand you guys are already very generous in offering that both Soran and I get a better number, which is why I want to give my own wristband to–'

'Sorry, Kairi, but there's no time for this,' Ringo interrupts me calmly. 'Let's be honest with each other. I know you're smart enough to think about that and understand how things really work. You fear that you cannot say "no" to the offer. That's not for yourself, but because you know we're in charge here and you're afraid for the lives of your cousin and your... friend?' I nod. 'You're in it to protect them,' Ringo continues, 'and you know that I have always known that. I'm also smart. I'm aware that you're doing it for them and that once that's gone, you'll have no reason to work for the preservation of the Beach.'

I should've known he had foreseen all this already. It's true what he says: I fear for Soran and Yuki if I don't do what they ask of me. My act of pretending to humble myself and withdraw my demands was doomed from the start.

'It comes down to this,' Ringo says, 'we need each other. We need your smartness and problem-solving skills, and we use your compassion to do so. That's how it is.' At least he says it like it is, without avoiding to name it. 'And you need us to make sure you stay safe here.' Now that he talks to me so directly, I think I can do that in return. 'So really, your side is the only side that wins from this partnership.' The corners of his mouth curl up slightly. 'You say it like it is, I can only respect that.'

Ringo points to the papers on the table and bends over them. 'In order to level the ground again, we involve you in the formation of the groups. It's my understanding that there's someone in the game tonight that you have a history with and that you're concerned about his participation in the game.' I don't know how he came to realize that, but I shouldn't be surprised that he does. 'I can make sure you don't have to worry about that anymore by putting Reo in with the strongest players, which means there's a good chance he won't come back.'

'Not at all,' I reply fiercely, whereupon he looks at me amused. 'I thought you'd react that way,' he says with a slight smile. 'You keep surprising me. You wouldn't even want to see someone you can't stand dead.' I want to tell him that's the only right way to think, but I know he won't understand anyway. Besides, I don't want to get on his bad side.

'You have control over the division of the groups,' Ringo continues, picking up the names of the players. 'Who do you want to set up Yuki with?' I look at the names and recognize a few, but I don't know anyone very well besides Reo. I have no idea if they are strong or smart. I'm sure Ringo can tell me that, but I don't trust it. I grab the pen and a piece of paper and write Yuki's name down. When I put mine under there, Ringo lets out a sigh. 'You can't join his game,' he says immediately. I want to start talking about stepping out if Yuki doesn't come back, but Ringo is already talking again. 'Hatter's turn tonight. His game will be announced and we leave in secret.'

'Then Yuki will come with us,' I say firmly. Ringo shakes his head. 'The players' groups are announced throughout the lobby. It's noticeable when he's not mentioned or is secretly taken from another group. Or we'll have to silence the other three, but I don't think you want that.' How disgusting of him to use that as a solution. He really doesn't care if some innocent people will die to keep things a secret.

I suppress the emerging panic. It will be impossible to leave with Yuki and help him in a game. He's strong and smart in his own right, but I want to make sure no one hurts him. Still, Ringo pinned me down. 'By the way, Last Boss doesn't officially have to play a game until tomorrow,' Ringo says, 'but I'm sure he'll have no problem joining in tonight and keeping an eye on Yuki.' I think of the boy who was at our welcome here, the one that's almost completely covered in tattoos. I don't know anything about him at all other than that.

'And how can I be sure he doesn't kill him?' I try to say calmly, but I'm sure my nerves resonate in my voice. Ringo raises the corners of his mouth slightly. 'Kairi, don't let your heart take over from your rational thought. You know we need each other and it's in our best interest to keep you on board. You know that without him it's made more difficult. We're going to try to keep him alive.'

'Yuki is perfectly capable of that himself,' I reply, because his words suggest that this is not the case. Ringo seems to find me extremely funny, because he just keeps smiling. 'Fine,' is his only answer, to which he bends over the papers again. 'Do you have any other preferences for groups?' I look at Reo's name again and then shake my head.

Then I'll start on another topic. 'With how many and with whom are we leaving tonight?' I want to know. 'Hatter, you, myself, Niragi, Mira, An and Mahiru,' Ringo replies, 'and one random player.'

'The possible sacrifice,' I say with a sick feeling, to which Reo nods. 'We are with a group of the main board members of the Beach. With a bit of luck we will have a high level, which means that we have a later expiry date, but the game must also be able to be completed.' I get a bad feeling about this. Not only because they want to bring a possible sacrifice, but also because I myself will be the first to lie on the chopping block. Still, I'm afraid I don't have a choice, so I just nod.

'Maybe you can persuade Soran to join Last Boss and Yuki's game tonight,' Ringo says. 'That will be easier. Otherwise their visa days will be too far off.' When I don't respond, he says: 'You haven't told Soran yet.' I shake my head. I don't want that. At first it was because of his attitude, but now it's because it will make him worry and feel guilty. Still, Ringo is right: if both Yuki and Soran need to be protected, it's best to let them be in the same game. Still I'm not exactly reassured, since Soran is so annoying about Yuki.

'Niragi is calling out Soran's name in Yuki's group tonight,' I tell Ringo, 'without telling him about this deal. It will be a shock, but they'll be back tonight and he'll recover.'

'You want to keep this from your own family? Because you're afraid he'll feel guilty?' I feel caught. Of course Ringo has it figured out. 'Fine,' he says as he puts Soran's name on the paper, to which he grins at me. 'You sentenced your cousin to play a game when he didn't register himself. You wilfully cause him to worry about his return, even though it is virtually assured. But you leave him in the dark. Maybe you're better fit for us than you realize.'

'Make no mistake,' I say fiercely. 'I'm hiding this from him to protect him from guilt, because I care about him and want to keep him safe. If you want me to serve the elite, don't ever insinuate that I'm anything like you.' His grins widens. Then I can't take it anymore. I excuse myself by walking to the door and leaving.

I honestly wonder if I made the right choice with this, but there is no going back. I have to go with them tonight to play a game and no one else knows about it. Soran may come back before we do and realize I'm not waiting for him. Would he be upset about that?

I think I already know the answer.

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