Chapter Sixty-Six

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—Rynbelle, Namera—

Seiriol dipped beneath the curling smoke, and Ori saw, for the first time, the destruction that waited below. Fire coiled around the outer wall of the city, burning through the outlying homes and villages. Ori knew Avalas would have done what he could to bring the people inside the city's defenses before the fire began, but the sight still turned her stomach.

The outer barrier guarding the wall had already given way, leaving Avalas and the Holy Army to try to stem the tide of Lost. At the center of it all stood the Colossus, one massive fist smashing into the outer wall in an effort to bring it crumbling down. But there were mages inside countering his damage with every breath. The wall would not fall easily. Ori had taught those mages herself.

Still, time was of the essence, and Ori urged Seiriol to glide toward where she knew Avalas would be. She felt Adix move behind her, standing upon Seiriol's back with ease. Before she could even shout her protest, Adix leapt from Seiriol's back and plunged down into the chaos on the wall. It was only at the last second that Ori was able to utter her spell, encircling her husband in an impenetrable barrier that would protect him from any damage. Ori herself waited until Seiriol was closer before jumping down to join the fight, landing directly beside Avalas with ease.

"You're a sight for sore eyes, my friend!" Avalas bellowed above the roar of battle. The wall trembled beneath them, Lost scrambling over the side, hooked ladders holding fast to help them in their endeavor. One of the Lost, a towering monstrosity rushed at them, sword raised. Both Ori and Avalas were ready for him, but another hit first, a familiar looking greatsword cleaving the monster in half. The Immaculate turned when the danger had passed, nodding in greeting to Ori.

"Lady Cidaris, a pleasure as always," he offered a kind smile.

Ori couldn't help but laugh. "How on earth did you get here?"

"Anna and I had already decided to send the bulk of our forces to Namera. Avalas had told us the Colossus had woken and it would likely be only a matter of time before he brought war to our borders. A happy coincidence we arrived the night before the Colossus."

"I am forever in your debt," she bowed her head. "Thank you for protecting the people of Rynbelle."

"We are family, are we not?"

Ori nodded, turning to Avalas. "Have you discovered a way to destroy the Colossus permanently?"

Avalas nodded. "Altara and the others can tell you more than I, but I received word not too long ago that they have the means to sever the connection that brings the Colossus back. However, felling him in the first place..."

"We know what to do," Ori assured him as Adix and Kailus both joined them, chopping their way through the horde to reach them. "We have a plan. Though, how effectively it will work, I couldn't say."

"It will work," Rhiorr said behind her, startling her. His face was set in an impassive mask. Yet, Ori could still see the worry in his eyes. "But we're missing part of our plan. Zenn'a was to retrieve the souls. Without her, we need someone else with unrivaled ability. With so few candidates, Altara will have to do the trick."

Avalas shook his head. "She is working to break the connection that allows the Colossus to return after death."

"What connection?" Rhiorr frowned.

"They mentioned something of a man, an ancient like you, whose life is tied to the Colossus."

"What? Who?"

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