Chapter Twenty-Two

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—Velloch, Province of Basan, Medyulana—

Teryn tipped her head toward the sky, inhaling deeply. She could smell the storm coming, though it was likely a few hours off, if they were lucky. Regardless, she wouldn't chance getting caught outside. The storms in Medyulana were not the simple thunderstorms she had grown up with on Alfheim. These were turbulent, violent affairs that could decimate unprepared cities and kill those caught outdoors easily. That meant they would need to find accommodation for the night. Teryn didn't know what would happen when she began pouring the strange concoction into the fires. Best to wait until after the storm passed.

At the gates to the palace, Teryn pulled D'rundri aside, Rhaena waiting out beyond the walls so as not to cause a commotion. She handed him a small pouch of coins and instructed him to find an inn room where he and Rhaena could wait out the storm. The dark elf frowned deeply at her warning.

"But if it's just a storm..." he began.

Teryn shook her head. "I know the last time you stayed at our home it was sunny skies the entire visit. You've never witnessed a true Medyulanan storm yet. Better to watch it out of a window, trust me."

"Isn't it just...?"

"Nope. There are different types of storms in different areas of Medyulana. Basan happens to produce intense lightning storms, and it doesn't all stay in the sky either. It will rain down in thick sheets at times."

D'rundri looked horrified at the thought. "How do the people survive?"

"They stay indoors during the storms. That's why everything is made of black stone," she gestured around the city. "It absorbs most of the electrical discharge. Be grateful we're not in the south with the fire tornadoes that can rip through at a moment's notice. Now, go find somewhere to stay. Find Rhaena and somehow get her into your room unnoticed, alright?"

"What about you?"

"I'm not going to touch the fires until the storm is over. I don't know what will happen, and I'd rather not be trapped inside with The Voice if he finds out what I've done. Until then, I can visit my boys. Make sure Rost's injuries have fully healed. I wonder if they'll be happy to see me..."

D'rundri nodded but stopped her before she left. "Find us before you start. Please? Just in case."

"I'll send word before I do it, but I don't want you or Rhaena anywhere near those fires when I start. No. Not up for discussion. Whatever happens, I will bear the responsibility. The only reason you and Rhaena are still here is in case I get caught. You can tell Baloren what happened, then."

"Why are you women all so stubborn?" D'rundri sighed, his posture sagging.

Teryn laughed, clapping him on his shoulders. "Ralias and Tor'Varyans. We're as stubborn as it gets. You got caught up in the wrong family, I'm afraid."

D'rundri smiled at that. "No. Nowhere I'd rather be."


The Holy Knights of the Sacred Light were far more competent than they had been twenty years ago when the Path of Light first began to spread throughout Medyulana. Teryn remembered watching a bumbling band of barely trained boys, dutifully but ineffectively patrolling the countryside, trying to spread their faith and defend the downtrodden. Now, they wore the best Black Ghettrian armor money could buy and performed maneuvers of seasoned veterans. Even skirmishing in their practice ring, they moved as one, trained and precise strikes demonstrating how formidable they could be.

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