Chapter Fifty-Seven

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All things considered, she had tremendous luck, Lulu conceded as the taste of blood filled her mouth. It was probably how she had managed to last as long as she had despite her self-destructive tendencies. In all honesty, she couldn't be certain how she had even managed to find Eivør's camp. The Umbra had searched relentlessly through the Shadowlands and had been unable to discover her location. But Lulu had practically tripped into their camp. Or in point of fact, she had tripped into their camp. Searching through the forest and suddenly she had stumbled over a root and faceplanted through an invisibility glamour, straight into Eivør's private camp.

Lulu didn't know which gods or spirits or ancestors or whatever had led her straight to the woman she had been searching for, but she wasn't going to complain. All she truly cared about was beating Eivør senseless, until she forced her to reverse the damage that had been done to Idelle.

Her less than subtle entrance, however, had ensured she hadn't been able to catch Eivør unawares and had to fight the towering barbarian queen directly. Which was far preferable to Lulu's tastes anyway. So far, however, Lulu had a few cracked ribs, a few broken fingers, and a gash across her left temple that was bleeding heavily while Eivør remained completely unscathed. But that would change in a minute. Lulu would not let what had happened to Idelle go unanswered.

But all gods be damned, Eivør was one tough bitch.

Blades, fists, even teeth, Lulu struggled to evade it all. Eivør's men had been ordered to stand down, the barbarian queen delighting in the chance to destroy Lulu all on her own. And so, Lulu stood surrounded by enemy soldiers as Eivør kicked her ass.

But then, a well-timed strike and Lulu caught Eivør in the jaw, a satisfied laugh escaping her when she felt her blade scrape against the bone. Eivør stumbled backward, blood pouring from the wound, but still, the barbarian queen only stared back defiantly.

"Whatever you've done to Idelle, reverse it," she commanded, her sword raised defensively as they circled one another.

"That's what this pathetic attempt is about?" Eivør snarled, her wound already healing. "And here I thought your arrival would prove far more interesting."

"I am incredibly interesting," Lulu nodded, barely rolling out of the way to avoid another swing. "But you will fix what you did to her."

"What I did to her?" Eivør laughed. "It wasn't I that wanted your lover to suffer so. She is part of my mistress' plan. Her life hangs in her hands."

"But it was your lover who hurt mine. I know you have the power to reverse it."

Eivør snorted. "You come into my camp, alone, outmatched, and you think you can intimidate me? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Elusia Vale. You might want to remember the name of the woman who's going to kill you."

"Big words from someone who's shown me less than nothing."

"Fix her," Lulu growled.

Eivør laughed at the request. "You have nothing to bargain with, child. Even if I had the power to fix her, I wouldn't."

Lulu bristled at her words. Eivør's smirk widened.

"Good. Hate me. Revile me. The angrier you are, the sweeter your blood will taste. Just like the Tor'Varyan child. So angry. So desperate. His blood sang when I drank it."

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