Chapter Fourteen

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—Royal Palace, Avalenteaux, Korintha—

It was a long and exhausting night after all they had gone through, but each time Ori felt tired or sore, she looked at the Porcelain Queen, who fought so valiantly to deliver her child safely into the world. She screamed and cried, whimpering that she was not strong enough to continue at times, and yet she always found her strength again when the Immaculate leaned down and kissed her forehead sweetly, muttering words of encouragement into her ear.

Though Ori knew the truth long before the child finally appeared, it still made her smile to see the tuft of blue hair that emerged, followed by a pair of pointed ears. However the Immaculate and the Porcelain Queen had come to love one another, Ori would ask a different day. For now, it was simply enough to pass the now cleaned and wailing bundle into her mother's waiting arms as her father stared on in abject wonder. The queen let out a breathless, joyful cry at the sight of her newborn daughter and drew her close to kiss her.

"My sweet little girl, I've so longed to meet you," she breathed softly.

"Welcome home," the Immaculate's smile faltered as he fought not to cry.

At Ori's side, Zenn'a stood, watching the new family for several long moments before she finally spoke.

"Remember your promise, Your Majesty," Zenn'a's voice was gentle.

The queen looked up, beaming proudly at the healer who had helped her. "I remember, Mistress Zenn'a, and you shall have what you're owed for helping to deliver my daughter into this world. I will waste no more time living for others. I will live my life as I choose, with those I love, and I will grow an old happy woman. This I promised you, and this you shall have."

"You could have demanded anything, and we would have freely given it," the Immaculate conceded as he tucked his lover and child against him. "You are as kind as the goddess and fight just as fiercely. If the queen wills it, I would name you an eternal friend of Korintha and honorary member of our family."

Beside him, the queen shook her head. "I am a queen no longer. With Markus dead..."

"You forget, my love. Markus killed all remaining family members out of fear they would take the throne from him. There are none surviving of the line of Drusus."

"Then, as commander of our military forces, you should..."

"I have already decided, my love. I desire no throne. Only you and our daughter. You are a Cidaris. There is no noble stupid enough to doubt you have the legitimacy and right to rule. The army stands with you, Queen Anna-Lyenna Cidaris."

The queen was quiet as she looked down at her child, a shy look passing over her features. "...Not Queen Anna-Lyenna Cidaris-Irleaux?"

The Immaculate laughed and kissed her temple. "It is a human custom for the wife to take the name of her husband, but it is an elven custom for men to take that of their wives. If it pleases you, I would bear the name Cidaris proudly."

"I don't deserve such happiness," the queen shook her head. "But I made a promise to try. I love you, now and always, husband." She looked up then, her gaze upon Ori as she smiled. "Forgive such reprehensible hospitality you've received since your arrival. If I am to be queen in truth, then allow me to apologize on behalf of the former sovereign. Korintha relinquishes all claims to the throne of Namera, and we name both you, Aer'Avyn, and you, Zenn'a Bruining, as honorary members of the Cidaris family."

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