“Glad I amuse you.” I mumbled, letting my face cool down.

“Kite, where I come from we don’t really have mates. I’ve had a girlfriend yes, but I think the word ‘mate’ is too strong.” He rushed out, trying to turn his breathing back to normal from the fit of giggles.

“So, what is a girlfriend? Did you mate?” I asked him studying his face and was surprised to see him blush. I could feel jealousy making my heart boil.

“No. We just kissed.” He grinned and then looked at me, he registered my look of relief and put his thumb under my chin. Holding my face, I could feel my body melt in response to his intense stare. This man has so much power over me.

“I can honestly say I have never felt this way about anybody else but you. Even though I am in this strange and weird place, you are the one thing that I feel familiar with. I feel like I’ve known you my whole life, Kite. I feel like this is my do-over, I wasn’t a good person back then... Will you be my girlfriend?” He whispered, his silky voice wrapped itself around me. My heart melted and was beating erratically at the same time. My throat was dry, my words wouldn’t form. Not that I had any other words to say other than yes!

I threw my arms around him, I felt his body tense at first and then he pulled his strong arms behind my back and let his body melt into mine.

“I won’t let anybody hurt you.” He sighed into my hair. My body relaxed, I felt so safe with him. When it is supposed to be me protecting him.

Then the sun’s light poured in through the opened drapes, with a large stocky figure in the doorway. His battered grey wings and his wrinkled face told me it was Manx. I withdrew from my hug with Daniel, excitement coursing through my veins. I stood up and walked over to Manx and threw my arms around him. His body tensed and his wings spread out in confusion.

“Thank you, for bringing him home safe.” I whispered to him and then recoiled. He eyed me suspiciously but gave me a small smile. He really didn’t know how to smile, lack of practice.

“Verreaux is requesting your presence right away. In preparation for the feast tonight.” He hissed out the last part, Manx not a social person? I never would have guessed.

I turned to Daniel and smiled, happiness consuming my heart. I felt like I was glowing. A thought occurred to me.

“How will Daniel get down from the tree?” I asked Manx, turning towards him. How did Daniel get into my house last night?

“The council has given him an eagle. He knows how to summon it.” Manx replied, his facial expression read that he was impressed.

Eagles remained the same from when human’s inhabited the Earth, but they have grown to the size of a horse. They are very rare, and are only loyal to one person throughout their entire lifetime. You had to be a very special person to be able to control an Eagle, but then again. Daniel is a very special person.

I could feel Daniel’s body press against my back and his arms snak around my hips. I looked up to see a glowing smile on his picturesque face, the smile was contagious. Manx looked at both of us with concern, especially me.

“Kite, do you remember what we talked about when we were flying the other night? To go and get Daniel?” Manx asked me, as if Daniel wasn’t even there.

I rattled my brain, and then winced when I arrived at the answer. Daniel has to mate with all the eligible women in order to produce humans. My smile faded instantly and I could feel sadness weighing my heart down.

“I don’t want you to get hurt, Kite.” Manx ended his point and jumped out the door. And let the warm, refreshing breeze brush my face. Another warm, cloudless day.

Daniel released me from his grip and looked down at me, seeing the obvious distress I was in. His warm hand caressed my face.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice laced with concern. I looked up into his bright green eyes, I knew it would be too good to be true.

“Daniel, we’re not supposed to work. You’re supposed to go and reproduce humans with the women of my home. You’re not meant to be with me.” I explained. My throat cracking as fresh, hot tears pricked at my eyes.

“Kite, I don’t want anyone but you.” He reassured me, his hands holding my arms. His voice firm, but caring.

“You don’t get a choice, It’s what you are meant to do.” I spat as I felt my heart tearing apart.

“I’m not doing it Kite. You’re the only one.” He whispered smoothly into my ear. He cupped my chin in his hand and pulled my face up to meet him. He leaned forward and kissed my tears away. And then gently pressed his warm lips against mine. I stood motionless, so many emotions bashing together inside me. But I decided I liked this emotion more, the warmth from being with Daniel.

I put my hand against his chiselled jaw, my hand tingled from the stubble that scratched my over-sensitive skin. My lips moved with his, finding each other perfectly. His hands curled around my waist to the small of my back and held me.

The kiss deepened, my hand went to the back of his head and my fingers curled in his hair. His tongue traced the bottom of my lip, asking for permission to enter. I kissed him harder and his tongue intertwined with mine. His hands shifted around my body, sending shocks of electricity to my core. I could feel a low and steady groaning in the pit of my stomach. He backed me up against the wall and pressed his weight against me. I remembered the last time I had been backed up against a wall. Red eyes.

I pulled away from Daniel and caught my breath. Fear drowned my hunger for Daniel, my mind suddenly plagued with vicious red eyes. I walked over to the doorway and inhaled the fresh air. Daniel placed his hand nervously on my shoulder and looked at me. His brow furrowed in concern, his lips hardened into a straight line.

“What happened?” He asked cautiously.

His fierce green eyes told me best not to lie to him. I plucked up the courage to say the monster’s name.

“Falcon… I just thought of him.” I rushed out, my eyes looking for anything other than Daniel. But the long silence made me look at him, his whole body tensed. His jaw locked and his green eyes were on fire.

“You think of Falcon, when you kiss me?” He spat, his hand curled into a fist. Oh no.

“No Daniel, it’s just the wall… he pushed me against the wall and I remembered it. You’re nothing like him.” I rushed out, my hands dangling uselessly by my sides. I didn’t dare touch Daniel.

“What the hell did he do to you?” He growled through clenched teeth. His breathing became harsh and quick.

“He pushed me, then I ran.” I lied, hoping that his fury would distract him from how bad of a liar I was. I wouldn’t have gotten out if it wasn’t for Harris. But that was a whole other story.

I put my hand on his quivering arm, he had a short temper. A small part of me found it attractive, most of me curled up in a corner and hoped it wasn’t aimed at me.

He melted under my touch, I secretly loved that I could have this effect on him. I knew he had the same effect on me.

“Hot-head” I giggled, a small grin curling my lips.

“That I am Miss Kite, that I am.” He purred and brushed his lips over mine softly. I loved his taste. His scent, everything. And I decided there and then, I’m not sharing.

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