"Guys!" April burst into the room which made Donnie jump, trying to hide his flowchart from the redhead.

"Hey, hey, Ap- hey, April," he stuttered out, trying to seem cool which made Leo facepalm.

"You guys gotta check this out," April said as she put her laptop down and pressed play on the video she had open.

"Renowned neurochemist Dr. Tyler Rockwell has been reported missing. I spoke with Rockwell's colleague, Dr. Victor Falco," the news reporter relayed.

"I hadn't heard from him in days, so I stopped by his lab. The place was a mess and he was gone. I fear the worst," the doctor, Falco, said in the news report.

"Police say they have-" April paused the video and looked up at Leo.

The blue clad turtle looked at April in confusion. "So?"

"So the Kraang have been kidnapping scientists from all over the city, including my Dad! Maybe that's what happened to this Rockwell guy," April explained as she closed her laptop.

"Or they may not be connected at all," Leo reasoned.

"There's only one way to find out. We should go to that lab and look around," April replied, standing up.

"April's right. We should go check it out. What's that? You guys are busy? Guess it's just the two of us, April," Donnie said quickly, not letting his brothers interject. He led April out of the lab and towards the exit of the lair.

Leo chuckled as he walked over to Donnie's poster. "I bet that wasn't on his flowchart." He looked at the diagram and his eyes widened. "Whoa. It is! That is spooky."


Donnie snuck into the building with April, ready to search Rockwell's lab.

"There isn't an electronic lock out there my digital lock pick can't crack," Donnie bragged as he unlocked the door to the lab.

April smiled as the door opened. "Smooth!"

Donnie giggled a little, his cheeks dusting a light pink.

The two looked around with a flashlight to see papers strewn across the floor, everything misaligned and messy.

"Wow, this place is a wreck," Donnie commented.

April saw the cage that had a busted door and her face twisted in disgust. "Ugh, he must have been experimenting on animals."

"Either someone was up to some secret research, or they were renting space to one freaky dentist!" Donnie said as he looked at the lab chair.

He walked over to the desk in the room and opened some of the drawers. He saw a flashdrive that he quickly swiped before a green glow caught his attention. He pulled up the false bottom of the drawer and his brown eyes widened at what he saw.


Donnie picked up the cannister to look it over.

"Donnie, look out!" April warned and the turtle quickly grabbed his staff, flinging his attacker to the ground, pinning him.

April quickly turned the lights one when she saw the switch and the man on the ground groaned. "Dr. Falco!"

The doctor yelped when he finally opened his eyes, seeing Donnie above him. "What are you?!"

Donnie stood up and put his staff back in it's sheath. "Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"You already hurt me!" Falco accused with a narrowed look.

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