My Boss

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That's Ej Caswell Speaking, Owner of Caswell Atlantic. He passed down the family business from his father, Cash Caswell. HE was able to take a challenge and become a well stocked billionaire making his money helping with the companies business and work they did over Salt lake city. Including Green energy sources, Funding for schools, and even helping get Programs to help launch future stars of the industry.

"Really? No one has any ideas how to fix our numbers for the Green energy renewable sources?"

Everyone in the room was dead silent and in quiet pain not responding to their boss's order.

"Alright then, Let me put this another way. If no one wants to talk about this problem, then Anyone want to speak up about how we can get more Students to East High, since the numbers have been decreasing since 2010?

Ej was looking around the room realizing if no one was going to talk, then he was going to have to pick on some else. He looks around, and sees a fellow male employee who catches his eyes all the time.

"MR.Bowen!" Ej gives a slick smile to the man as he gives him a dead silent eye look." YOu look like you would know how to resolve this problem would you?"

"Well. I was thinking, if we want to increase the Student population number, then we need to eliminate any factors that cause the school to lose its population."

"O reallY? What problems do you think we need to fix in order to increase the population of this school?"

"Well, First off, I think Closing of North high would lead to a higher increase, as parents and Attendance areas would most likely force about 60% of students there to transfer to East high. "

"Well, I don-" As ej was about to contradict Ricky's statement, Ricky cut him off. "

"And I also think adding things that would make the school stand out, LIke adding more Class options such as more Stem programs and Pathways to pursue are always so helpful."

"That may also be-"

"And! Also knowing that this infamous school was shot in the Original High school musical movies! I think addin things that made the move legendary into our school, I think would definitely boost morale. Such as changing the mascot to Wildcats, INcluding musical traditions, and Even Having a High school musical play."


Everyone in the room was looking at The man as if he was crazy for all that he had to say. Ej on the other hand was upset but then slightly shook his head. He was impressed by the man's option and all of the things he recommended to help this school out.

"Well I'll be, Mr.Bowen! I think those proposals may actually do something. You see you guys, it's not hard to put some input around here!"

All the employees groaned in exhaustion and looked up back again.

"Alright everyone, the meeting is dismissed!" Everyone including Ricky got up from their seats and headed out the door leaving heading into the offices ready to work and get ready for the things needed to accomplish for the day.

After thirty minutes

Meanwhile with RIcky

"He totally favors you Ricky!" Carlos was yelling on the other side of his office as he was typing up an email to send out.

"Does not! It's not my fault I just happen to somewhat get on his good side"

"Dude! This is Ej talking about, the only people who are on his good side are like Ashlyn."

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