Bet on it.

205 7 46

Part 2 of High school Apocalypses. 



"How could you!!"

"Ricky. I can explain!"

"Explain what? That this meant nothing to you? Even with you choosing your dad over me, you didn't actually love me!!?"

"No! I swear I d-"

"Then why did I overhear your water polo mates saying they won a bet that I fell in love with you?"

"W w! I ricky! Please it's not what it looks like ok! I swear I -"

"DId you just think You could make me fall in love with you and it turns out you don't even care enough back? Am I just not worth it for you??!!"

"No ricky. Please let me just -"

"Just save it Caswell!! We're over! DOn't fucking talk to me ever and hope you fucking get the Karma you FUCKING DESERVE!"

Flashback over:

Few Days Later

Ricky's POV

I don't understand why my life is falling apart right in front of my eyes. It has been a disaster these last fews days. 1.MY kids are getting older and now have to be a male figure which I'm not ready for,2. I'm literally on the verge of getting evicted from my house and 3. And the worst of them all, My ex lover is back here to ruin my life.

MIcheal still has been asking me non stop about his mom and I honestly can't bear to tell him the truth. I know I can't keep this secret for too long but how can I bear to tell him about his Mom leaving me when I'm not ready to let go of her. I wasn't ready to let her go and I can't let anyone else ruin it.

Yeah, While that's all going down, I've apparently forgotten to make my payment for my house for the last two months. You know, It was weird that I felt I had so much money just saving for me and not realizing the payments never went through. I tried yesterday to make the payments so I got some weight off my shoulder, but the lady said because I'm so late, I may have to figure out cause I stocked up on a huge payment. SO great, I'm probably going to be homeless soon.

And, Yes. My third lover had to come back and end my life with a bang. I really wouldn't think of all the problems in my life currently and having to deal with them on my own, having an ex showing up to work at the same job as me was never on the table at all. And even worse, He is literally my partner I have to work with all the time. Fuck whoever gave Ms.Lowry the idea of having A Same grade dean and AP principal work together cause it couldn't be me. I'm so glad I was able to get him demoted down for a bit. Now, Erica told me that they found a person is in the final process of hiring but hopefully that's not soon enough because if so, I'm basically soon, I'm forced to work with Ej again. ANd before you all complain, No i'm not being a total dick to Ej because he's my Ex. It's way more than that. IF maybe he wasn't such a heart breaker and all, I may actually would have cut him slack, But it's' more than that, it's -

Wait, why am I rambling about Ej too much. Even when he's not around he's ruining my life.

I finished getting ready as I'm about to take Micheal to My dad's house for the day. While I finish up, I get a text from My dad, and not going to lie. I was startled

Text messages

Dad: Hey Son, I know I was supposed to watch Micheal, but I woke up today and I'm not feeling my all greatest, So I won't be able to watch him today, sorry Son.

Me: Oh, alright dad. Are you good, I can buy you medicine?

Dad:No, it's ok son. I'm fine, Please just enjoy today. Don't even worry about me.

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