Highschool Apocalypse

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Ricky's POV

You know when they say your life always starts right after High school. Well FUck whoever says that because My life started right during my Junior year of High school. Not that I asked for it or anything but Personally, I wish That Day i would have done things differently. I wished I wouldn't wouldn't have gone to the fucked up party, I wished I would have gone into that one room with that one girl. I wish I had known what I was setting myself up for.

Things In High school before were just so much simpler . Not having to worry about much besides school, relationships, or anything. The only thing I had to worry about was my parents' drama. I had My mom who abandoned me, and caused her marriage to fall apart, and My dad who was always there for me. But, He's getting older now and I can't depend on him like I used to.Now I'm stuck Paying Taxes, stuck paying for this 2 bedroom apartment, and also Stuck taking care of my 9 Year old.  Micheal Jean John Bowen.

When I was in Junior High school, I Had already been in too many relationships and hookups to determine whether or not to determine my love life. After All of them and knowing the hard consequences it cost me, I know I don't anymore. I only narrowed it to about 4 people that I actually had strong feelings for.  nini salazar-roberts, Caden Stone, E.J. Caswell, and Lily Kitrell(PLease I don't know her real last please)

Nini. We met during Elementary school, and got together at the end of 8th grade. When we got together we were on and off for about a year but I did truly feel love towards her. Even when we weren't together. Then During ending of freshman year, she Came out to me that she was actually a Lesbian and Dating me more just proved to her that She has no attraction to males. Yep, I caused a girl to go lesbian. But That Love is long gone. I last  saw her last year with her New girlfriend, someone named Tina or Gina? I don't know but at least she is happy. Good for her.

Caden Stone. While me and Nini were Off during our relationship. I met this one Guy named Caden during Homecoming and honestly I could tell something was different about him. He was the first Guy I ever fell for one. And Two, he also had that spark most boys which our idiots don't have. So, I'm pretty sure He was my awakening. However, after Me and Nini got back together, I totally started ghosting him ,which is my fault. I'll take the blame for tanking it but Later found out he actually had a girlfriend the entire time so I pretty much was his side chick. He tried to apologize but that spark was long gone.

Ej Caswell. Ugh, this one is a Nightmare and Honestly. I still don't even know how this one even came to come. Ej was probably one of the few People that Actually lasted. We met over the summer and Went into Junior year as a couple. Now, I was already warned by many people including a few of my own friends at the time that EJ was a player and was only going to try to break my heart. Why didn't I listen? I honestly don't know. Now, Ej never technically cheated on me, thank God, but that doesn't mean he didn't still break my heart when he left me alone. It was my second worst breakup ever honestly.

Last, and Finally. Lily Kittrell. This one was unexpected but I guess That's what she does best. After my breakup with Ej, I honestly needed a distraction. I moved on, and honestly I got invited to this party through Carlos and Of course, I wasn't going to look like a pussy so I decided to attend. When I got there, It was cool until I saw Caden and Ej both making out at the end of the hall. I immediately left the living room and I bumped into Lily. I didn't really know her or anything but she comforted me and well one thing led to another, I woke up laying next to her in her bed. It was a fun night. But, that night Changed everything. I was so upset and just happy to move on from Ej that I forgot a very important step. Protection.

As you can see, my Life isn't that nice to me since High school. I honestly don't even know why all of these traumas have to affect me as much as they do. Now, I'm living in a life that's Not even sure why this has to happen to Me but it did and now all I know is my Job working as a teacher isn't helping me much either.

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