Chapter 20

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Hizashi reached the city within a few hours, realizing upon closer inspection that he was at Hosu, which was painfully far from Musutafu, his home city. Over 2 hours on bullet train, not to mention how long it'd take to travel on foot. There's no way he could do that.

The place gave him the creeps. He remembered an incident with an insanely creepy villain, he couldn't recall what had happened or who was involved, though.

Did the bullet trains cost anything? I think they did.

He looked up at the sky, judging the time to be maybe 2-4 in the afternoon.

UA dismissed at 3:30, right? I gotta either get on that train now or wait. Probably wait, since there's a chance I could run into Shouta. I can't risk anything, no matter how low the chances are.

Should I hide out for a few days? I need money soon, though. I have to eat something.

After reaching a more congested area, he opened up his guitar case, taking a deep breath before playing his heart out for as long as he could. Playing in the open air felt so wonderful, he couldn't help how he had a big, dumb smile the entire time. It was so much better than it used to be.

Due to his talent, he got a rather large amount of tips quite quickly, a crowd gathering and paying him compliments about how he seemed like a professional. He felt them all staring at the scars littering his face and fingers, though.

He decided to keep his identity a secret to everyone, not wanting to make a bigger scene than he had to. A grand return with the information that Present Mic was alive would attract far too much attention, anyway.

Being anonymous to everyone hurt, though. Another nail in the coffin when it came to the mindset that nobody would ever see him the same way again.

Hizashi made sure to graciously thank every person that gave him money, bowing after each of his songs finished. Once he was far too exhausted to carry on, he packed everything up and left to go get food at the first place he could find.

Having warm and fresh food felt like utter heaven. Everything did, now that he didn't take it for granted. He savoured every last bit of it, taking as much time as he could so it could last him a while.

He tried to find a clock, forgetting that he could also look for digital ones now. He'd forgotten they existed for a while.

7:09. Later than he'd expected. Shouta would definitely have gotten to the bunker at this point. And definitely would have begun hunting Hizashi down relentlessly.

I wonder if this'll cause him to slip up at work. Give the heroes a chance to realize he isn't right. So if he even goes back, they'll catch him.

Or he'll confront someone. Maybe Nemuri or something? Asking where I went and all.

Telling everyone that I'm alive and turning himself in at the same time.

I don't want him locked up, but I can't help but hope. This is life or death survival now. I have no choice. It's me or him.

The rest of his money went to a cheap hotel room, so he had somewhere to stay the night in. That wasn't too hard to find, either. It was a bit sketchy, but it was all he could afford.

Still paranoid to hell, he locked all the doors, shut out the lights and closed the blinds, cramming himself under the bed to sleep until morning.

This isn't going to be a restful night, but I have to be as careful as I can. If he sees me in the bed while I'm asleep, that won't go well.

If I were Shouta, where would I expect myself to go? What would I do?

I'd go straight for Nemuri. Her house is off limits.

Should I try All Might or Nezu? I think UA is my safest option. How would I get there though, without my ID?

Shouta almost definitely has it. Unless... my spare is still at home somewhere? Face and fingerprint won't work for me anymore.

Is UA even a safe choice? Even with all the heroes, Sho still works there. If I go on a weekend, maybe?

He sighed, rubbing his forehead before fumbling in his pocket for one of the needles, injecting it all into his blood so he could relax enough to sleep. He'd definitely earned it today, after all he'd done.

I'll figure this all out later. I need to rest over everything else.

Nem... I promise I'm coming.

He closed his eyes, waiting for the ketamine to kick in so he could relax enough to sleep through the night. It didn't stop his nightmares, though.

So much could go wrong.

This is all I can do for now. One step at a time. It's a process. I'll come home soon.

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