Chapter 5

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Hizashi's phone started buzzing, waking Shouta up. Somehow, Hizashi was still completely out, despite him being a morning person whilst Shouta was as far from it as someone could be. He had Shouta wrapped in a hug across his chest, a small smile tracing his lips.

The sun was softened by Hizashi's curtains, tinting the room a faint golden hue. Shouta hestitated before he decided to see what was up, picking up his friend's phone and unlocking it with his fingerprint, since Hizashi put it in there, along with Nemuri, himself, and probably Toshinori, for some reason.

It was a text from Nemuri.

What does that hag want with Hizashi now?

Hey! Just checking on you :) Shouta didn't hurt you again last night, did he? I'm worried about you. xx

Who in the hell do you think you are? Asking that shit.

Against his better judgment, he didn't cuss Nemuri out, as he wanted to, just staring at his messages with her, looking through it all. Nothing worrying, thankfully. Although Hizashi always preferred phone calls and face-to-face conversation over texting.



Stop texting him.


I can see your read receipts. What's wrong? Please answer me.

I forgot he has those damned things enabled. How annoying.

He ignored that text too, causing Nemuri to call the phone on video, blasting the song "SexyBack" by Justin Timberlake. He answered it to stop the music from playing and waking him up, glaring into the camera.

"Shouta, where's Zashi? Get off his phone. It's not yours."

He rolled his eyes, angling down the camera at Hizashi peacefully sleeping on his chest.

"He doesn't care if I use it, and it has nothing to do with you. Although I am curious about this whole… 'Shouta didn't hurt you, did he?' message."

Nemuri scowled, then started laughing in disbelief. "You're really going to act like you didn't hurt him when you squeezed the life out of his arm?"

"I already apologized."

"I find that hard to believe."

"That sounds like your problem, not mine."

"Ugh. Whatever. Just… if I see you hurt him again, I'll kill you. I swear."

As if. You always lost horribly to me in training. What could you even do.

Why does Zashi bother talking to her.

He doesn't need her.

Shouta hung up, cutting her off while she was ranting and lecturing him, then blocked her contact and sat the phone back down.

There. Problem half solved.

As he put the phone down, he felt Hizashi start to wake up and move around.

Perfect timing.

"Man, my head hurts like hell!" Hizashi groaned, sitting up and rubbing his temples.

"Good morning to you, too." Shouta remarked, handing Hizashi his glasses. "Want water or something?"

Hizashi nodded, watching Shouta leave the bed and walk off, stretching out his whole body and falling back down on his pillows with a huff.

He came back shortly with a glass of water, sitting down next to him on the side of the bed, handing him an ibuprofen with the water.

"Thanks, Sho. You're a real pal, huh?" He smiled, leaning up and giving him a side hug. "Last night was nice, too. Watchin' the sunset together and all that."

Hizashi took the pill and drank the whole glass, sighing. "Spending some quality time with ya is the best. No matter what we do! When I'm with you... I'm happier than ever!"

Yes. Love me back, Zashi.
Be with me. This is love.

Me around you… You around me…

"Yeah, I guess it is," Shouta agreed, trying to keep his cool as his face turned pink and warm.

We can be each other's whole world.

"Thanks for bein my friend, Sho."

"Well, somebody had to."

Please tell me I'm more than just a friend to you.

"You never did answer my question from yesterday, though."


"When I asked what was upsetting you. I mean, like what the real issue is. Not Nemuri or me needing more hugs or something. I saw it last night, too. When that gal was talkin' to me."

He put a soft hand on Shouta's knee, giving a comforting smile. "What's up, man? You know you can tell me anything."

Do I tell him?
How would I even explain this?

I hate when anybody but me talks to you?
I want you to be mine and mine alone?
I want to be the only person and the most important thing in your life?

I want to be the only thing you ever care about?

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