Chapter 12

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Hizashi woke up first and felt the instant soreness of his back. Probably from laying on the floor, but it was much better than being strapped vertically to a pole. He went over to the drawers and grocery bags, digging through them to figure out which of them had food.

In the smaller, top drawer, Shouta had put gum, 3 packs of cigarettes, lighters, and several small bottles of whiskey, equivalent to 5 shots at the most.

Next to it was the food cabinet, which had an array of snacks with no real meals. At least they were snacks that both of them enjoyed, including peanut butter crackers, pocky sticks, mochi, dried fruits and a few cans of spaghetti-os.

This is just sad. And how does he expect me to eat spaghettios without a can opener? Cold ones, to start with.

Eventually, he settled on some crackers and pocky, taking his time to eat them. Shouta started to wake up as he did so, violently unzipping his sleeping bag.

"Zashi, if I find you gone or by that door, I'm killing you."

He started frantically crunching as loud as he could since he couldn't talk with a mouthful of crackers. Hizashi backed against the wall as Shouta turned around, the anger almost instantly vanishing.

"Sorry!" Hizashi tried to say while keeping the food in his mouth, definitely coming to the conclusion that he would never, ever go near that door. He wanted to do whatever he could to keep Shouta from responding negatively.

Stand in front of him when he wakes up. Always be in his line of sight when he's here. Always.

I can't risk even looking up at the exit. I have no clue if his threats are legit. I don't want to find out.

Shouta said nothing, walking towards Hizashi and grabbing food of his own along with a cigarette.

"I'm heading off to work now. Don't try anything. If I find out that you have, being tied back up is the least of what you need to worry about."

"Gotcha!! All good, here!"

"It better be. I'm coming back with more tonight. Want anything?"

"Some books, maybe? A ukulele? Radio?"

"There's no service for a radio. I can get some mp3 players if you want music." He offered, heading to the exit. "I'll loot your music shit from your house."

"Alright." Hizashi gave a thumbs up, sighing once Shouta left.

I miss Nemuri. And Toshi. And all the kids. I should be out there right now, being a hero and teaching them! Not just sitting here. Useless. Needing to be saved by someone that I'm supposed to be.

There's nothing I can do. I can't risk leaving. If I ever did make it out, Shouta'd find me again.

I just have to wait and see what the future decides.


Shouta barged into the bunker, livid and empty handed. Before Hizashi could begin to say anything, he loomed over him and glared down.

"...Yes?" He whispered meekly, setting down the crackers that he'd been stress-eating all day.

"I'm going to make Nemuri regret trying to interfere. I'm sorry, Zashi, but this is the best option for us. If she ever sees you again, she'll know... That this is because of her. And," He kneeled down to Hizashi's level, smiling at the fear that formed on his face. "It'll let the whole world know that you're mine."

What the FUCK does that mean??

"I- Uh- okay..?" He breathed while backing away from Shouta, feeling his heart start beating out of his chest, so loud in his ears that he couldn't hear much else. He was stopped in his tracks by Shouta grabbing his shoulders, hard enough that it would most definitely bruise him.

"Ow- Sho, that kinda- Ah-"

"Shh. That's nothing." He tugged him closer, then forced him upwards so he was standing and tied him back onto the pole across his chest and waist with his scarf, leaving his arms free. Hizashi allowed him to do so without a fight, paling.

"I'm gagging you because you'll be loud."

"What are you-" he tried to say, before having the scarf wrapped around his mouth.

"I'm going to make you mine. Anyone who may ever see you will know that." he said, tucking Hizashi's hair back, intertwining it with his fingers for a moment, watching Hizashi shudder violently. "Don't be afraid, my love."

Hizashi's eyes widened as Shouta flicked his knife out of his pocket and began jerking away from it while making as much noise as he could through the gag, trying to undo the wrapping with his hands, so frantic that he kept slipping against the tight cloth.

Shouta held his face, turning it towards himself and kissed his forehead, wiping the tears lovingly from his eyes.

"I won't kill you, Zashi. Don't worry. I would never. I don't mean what I say when I'm mad, you know that."

Hizashi thrashed away again, sobbing more as Shouta reached closer with the knife, using his other hand to hold him still.

"This is to hurt Nemuri, don't you understand? This will tear her apart, knowing that everything she does to me... hurts you? If she sees you, she'll know it's her fault. Anything that happens to you here is her fault, Zashi."

He placed the blade to his cheek, slow;y sliding it across his face, one cheek to the other across his nose, ear to ear. He screamed as much as he could, unable to activate his quirk. The sharp pain took over every feeling and sense in his body as Shouta held his head in place with a death grip.

Moving down to his neck, he traced his jawline carefully and precisely, cutting down to the bone, with more indistinct shapes, probably hearts, down the rest of his neck. Hizashi's tears flooded down into the open wounds and mixed into the blood, stinging as the salt intensified the burning.

"Stay awake for me, now. This is for Nemuri! I can't torture her if you sleep through this, my love." Shouta took both of Hizashi's hands, carving little hearts on the back of them, moving up his arms with deep lines and some hearts in the spaces between them. Then on Hizashi's chest after he maneuvered his shirt off through the binding cloth and moved the scarf around as needed.

He could feel everything in its entirety, the blood trickling down his fingers and under his feet. Every mark that Shouta made was just as painful as the ones prior, but he knew he wouldn't die. No matter what Shouta did, or where he cut. He knew where all the vital arteries and veins were, and he visibly avoided them in an almost artistic way, visible for only a second before they were covered in a warm and dark crimson.

No matter how tortured he was, he'd never be able to die. He kept finching and yanking himself away violently as a reflex, yelping through the gag as he felt his skin rip and tear, biting down on it as hard as his jaw would allow, only to be met with the burning of the jawline wounds.

It felt like it went on for hours before Shouta was satisfied. Every single time he cut, it was slow and agonizing, for what must have been a hundred or more times. Hizashi had his eyes squeezed shut the whole time, feeling nauseated and faint from the pain and blood loss.

Shouta removed the gag a minute or so later, kissing Hizashi on the lips and holding him like that for multiple seconds, still feeling him violently shuddering as he took long, wheezy breaths.

"I'm sorry, truly. Alright? But look on the bright side, you're mine, inside and out!"

Hizashi said nothing, finally feeling himself begin to black out from the pain, hanging slightly off the pole, secured by Shouta's scarf, which was completely stained. He heard Shouta say something as he faded out completely.

"Don't worry, Zashi. It'll never be as dramatic as this again. Only as often as Nemuri deserves it, and far less. This is just making up for all that she owes. Now rest... Songbird."

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