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Keisha's pov

The past month has been the hardest month ever. Things were a bit different now. I had a new friend who happens to be Emilio's mate. What happened a month ago still haunts me and I don't think I will ever be the same again. I have also found out that Astro recently found his mate and I am happy for him. A have also learnt so much about werewolves and how they live. I have gotten a lot closer with Astro and Emilio and they are the closest people I have to family here. Colin's attitude towards me has also changed drastically. He is still cold, and he barely smiles still but he talks a lot now. He also hasn't hit me, and he is always making sure I am okay. How he treats me now reminds me of how Tyler treated me when we started dating.

He has also made it clear that, as his mate, he will never be able to give me love, but he has nonetheless sworn to respect and protect me. Since I will never be able to forgive him for what he has done to me, I am relieved that he likewise has low expectations of me. I was immersed in a book when I heard a knock at the door. Colin was there when I turned to see who it was. He was holding a plate of food. "you didn't come down for dinner, so I brought you something" he said while giving me food. I thanked him and he started talking about his work. Cruel and cold as he is he clearly loved his people dearly. "I want to go back home Colin" I blurted out when he was still talking. He paused and looked at me. I thought he would fight me but he didn't. He simply nodded his head and told me to be ready early in the morning tomorrow. He then kissed my forehead and left the room

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